On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Derick Rethans wrote:

> On Thu, 12 Dec 2002, Sterling Hughes wrote:
> > > How about we simply add a configure option to control this?
> > > 
> > > --enable-simple-cli-name would build CGI as php-cgi and CLI as php
> > > 
> > > That way we preserve BC and let those who like CLI named 'php' have that
> > > too.
> This will break the idea of having 'php' (the CLI) on as much systems as 
> possible (for PEAR). It seems that integrating the two (CGI and CLI) 
> _seems_ like the best solution, although I do not favor this due to 
> technical reasons.

For PEAR, it doesn't matter what the PHP binary name is, and since 1.0 
will be co-released with PHP 4.3, PEAR will follow whatever PHP does.

I agree with Zeev's stand on this.  We (php-dev) are a bit too ego-centric
if we think that it is reasonable to make lots of problems for existing
CGI users just because we have some stubborn notion of what the CLI binary
name should be.  Ease up folks, and think about the users for a bit.  
IMHO some people are just a bit too eager breaking stuff around here.

 - Stig

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