I already opened a bug (#21433) about this Feature Request, but I
realized it is better to discuss here about it.

I'm relatively new to PHP. Previously I used to program a lot in Perl.
What I really lack in PHP is Perl's ability to interpolate any
expression inside a string.
For example:

Perl: "Next value is @{[ $value + 1 ]}!"
PHP:  "Next value is " . $value + 1 . "!"

In this simple case it's not a great problem, but it becomes more
awkward when using the heredoc operator. In this cases I'm often forced
to use temporary variables:

$tempvar = $value + 1;
print <<< END
Here it is the next value
Other text...

I propose to extend the Variable Parsing syntax to evaluate ANY
expression instead of variables only.
I propose the following syntax:

print <<< END
Here it is the next value
{$= $value + 1 }
Other text...

Using "{=" would be more readable but it would cause too many backward
compatibility problems...

What do you think of this?

   |-                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   |ederico Giannici      http://www.neomedia.it

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