In order for such a feature to exist the your statement would have to be
(ignoring the ++ operator for now):

$foo = "The count is: {$count = $count + 1}";

Which means that you'd actually have to evaluate everything inside of {
} as PHP code.. Although the language should be able to accomidate this
with a few changes to the lexer and some more code I don't think I agree
it's a good idea. Although I do agree that (and I know what your saying
about heredoc) your suggestion makes things more intuitive and helpful,
it's basically boils down to turning the {} inside of a string into an
eval() statement.. And that I don't agree with:


        // assume $count['a'] has the following value from a form or

$count = "system('rm -Rf *');";

$foo <<< EOF
The value of count is: {$count['a']}<BR>

Which would end up executing a system call... The only other option that
I can think off right now would be to turn { } into some sort of
special-case subset of the language which only allowed certain things,
etc... And that is really much more of a headache that it's worth.


>-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Sunday, January 05, 2003 1:45 PM
>Subject: [PHP-DEV] Generic expressions interpolation in strings
>I already opened a bug (#21433) about this Feature Request, 
>but I realized it is better to discuss here about it.
>I'm relatively new to PHP. Previously I used to program a lot 
>in Perl. What I really lack in PHP is Perl's ability to 
>interpolate any expression inside a string. For example:
>Perl: "Next value is @{[ $value + 1 ]}!"
>PHP:  "Next value is " . $value + 1 . "!"
>In this simple case it's not a great problem, but it becomes 
>more awkward when using the heredoc operator. In this cases 
>I'm often forced to use temporary variables:
>$tempvar = $value + 1;
>print <<< END
>Here it is the next value
>Other text...
>I propose to extend the Variable Parsing syntax to evaluate 
>ANY expression instead of variables only. I propose the 
>following syntax:
>print <<< END
>Here it is the next value
>{$= $value + 1 }
>Other text...
>Using "{=" would be more readable but it would cause too many 
>backward compatibility problems...
>What do you think of this?
>    __
>   |-                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   |ederico Giannici
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