I just tried downloading the latest stable source snapshot (
http://snaps.php.net/php4-STABLE-200301271630.tar.gz at the time of
posting ), and would like to compile the php4activescript library, and have
been unsuccessful doing so.  Looking at the "Compile Log" on the snapshots
site, when compiling the ZendTS project, the site's log shows this:

--------------------Configuration: ZendTS - Win32
Performing Custom Build Step on ".\zend_language_parser.y"
Performing Custom Build Step on .\zend_ini_parser.y
zend_ini_parser.y:215.4-6: unrecognized escape: `\\0'
Performing Custom Build Step on ".\zend_language_scanner.l"
Performing Custom Build Step on .\zend_ini_scanner.l
But I am receiving this:

--------------------Configuration: ZendTS - Win32
Performing Custom Build Step on ".\zend_language_parser.y"
'bison' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error executing c:\winnt\system32\cmd.exe.

php.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
I don't see what I have done differently, but obviously I didn't do
something right :\  I am opening the win32\php4ts.dsw workspace file, and
building the Release_TS_inline configuration.  Is there anything else I need
to configure in the project before it will compile?  Or is there something
else I need to download?  All I really want to compile is the activescript
library =[

Thanks a lot,
Joe Hansche

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