At 08:00 PM 2/28/2003 +0300, Konstantin Knizhnik wrote:
Hello Andi,

The problem is that script can fetch very large number of objects
and all of them doesn't fit in the memory. Lets say we have very
large list of objects (several millions objects or more). And our
script traverse the list and fetch objects one by one and do some
calculations (for example calculates total sum). So at each moment of
time only one persistent object is actually needed. But without weak
references we will have to keep all these millions of objects in

If you need to go over a list of million objects you are doing something wrong :)

Also performance of OODBBS greatly depends on efficient
caching of objects. If we throw away all objects after each request
and has to reload them from the server for each request, then
performance will we awful. It is very significant to be able to cache
most frequently used objects. LRU or some other discipline can be
used for it. But any not depending from the discipline we use we need
some  mechanism which allows to map OPIDs to instances and do not
prevent GC from collecting the objects.

I disagree. JDO performs well and doesn't cache the objects as usually pessimistic locking is used with it. Of course, if you want to use optimistic locking and the nature of your application allows you to do so efficiently the caching might make sense (or it's mainly a read-only app).

That is why almost all languages with implicit memory
deallocation have some kind of weak references. And I was wondered
when do not find such facility in PHP.

Using __destruct method (thanks to George) it may be possible to implement
what I need, but only if object cache is implemented in C (and so is
not visible for PHP garbage collector). So no pure PHP solution exits.
Unfortunately I didn't fins any reference to __destruct method in PHP
manual and do not understand how it works. If I just declare
__destruct method in class, it is not invoked when object is

I don't quite understand why you need __destruct() as other systems in Java don't use this but I might be completely misunderstanding what you want to do.
Yes, you'll need to do this with a C extension.
Anyway, good luck. I hope the Engine 2 solves some of your problems (such as object handles which allow you to always access the same DB object).

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