On Wed, Aug 17, 2016 at 3:07 AM, David Négrier <david.negr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I understand Paul's idea to have a package-specific base exception, but
> nothing prevents implementing package to have their own base exception.
> Since this PSR contains only 1 useful exception (NotFoundException), it
> might not make a lot of sense to keep an additional "base exception".

In zend-servicemanager, we've setup our package ExceptionInterface to
extend ContainerException, and have several additional exceptions that
we trigger other than "not found" conditions:

- ContainerModificationsNotAllowed. By default, the SM is setup to not
allow changes to services already defined, and this exception is
raised when attempts are made to do so.
- CyclicAlias. We have cyclic detection algorithms, and this exception
is triggered when one is detected. This is actually *very* useful when
putting together an application made of many libraries.
- InvalidService. In addition to a normal application-level DI
container, we also provide context-specific locators for plugins.
These provide algorithms internally to ensure that the plugin instance
is valid for the context (usually this means it implements a given
interface); we trigger this exception when it is not.
- ServiceNotCreated. This is different than "not found"; usually it
means that a dependency or pre-condition was not met, and the
container could not create the service.

While I rarely see code that *catches* container exceptions, having
the granularity is nice, and I could potentially see writing plugins
for systems such as Zend's Z-Ray, Blackfire, etc., that could provide
reporting based on caught container exceptions:

    switch (true) {
        case ($exception instanceof \Interop\Container\ContainerException):
            // report container exception details,
            // which might include introspection for available
            // service definitions
        case ($exception instanceof \Psr\Log\InvalidArgumentException):
            // report psr-3 exceptions
        case ($exception instanceof \Zend\Mvc\Exception\ExceptionInterface):
            // report zend-mvc exceptions
            // etc.

As such, I'm a proponent of keeping the base exception interface.


> On a side note, regarding migration from container-interop to PSR-11, we
> will probably deprecate container-interop in favor of PSR-11 when it's
> ready. It the PSR-11 Container interface stays the same, it will be
> "compatible" with container-interop's ContainerInterface. We could therefore
> publish a version 1.1 of container-interop's ContainerInterface that simply
> extends PSR-11's ContainerInterface. That would "automagically" migrate all
> container-interop projects to PSR-11. This is of course assuming that there
> is no BC breaks between container-interop and PSR-11.

We did this with zend-servicemanager, too — our own
ServiceLocatorInterface was compatible with container-interop, so we
modified ours to extend the container-interop interface; users were
then immediately able to use our package anywhere container-interop
was expected, with no BC breaks.

Matthew Weier O'Phinney

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