> I'm all in favor for noise reduction in my code, but couldn't really see 
any solution to the conflicting name conventions I faced

Please, read messages above.

> Why *specific* implementation has *non-specific* and generic name? Yet 
another point for removing suffix: it forces to think about implementation 
name more.
> ...
> Also, you wouldn't be allowed to have poor naming like Foo implements 
FooInterface. It looks like naming impotence: you have implementation, why 
you can't describe what makes this implementation specific: MySqlFoo? 
MemcachedFoo? ZendFoo? 

In short: if your implementation name is simple "Bar" and interface is 
"Bar", you're doing it wrong. So you failed to describe the 
intention/specificity/point of your implementation.

On Thursday, August 18, 2016 at 4:10:25 PM UTC+3, Erik Landvall wrote:
> I had this discussion with some people from room 11. The general opinion 
> to me seem to be *not* to use the interface suffix, so I started looking at 
> why. I'm all in favor for noise reduction in my code, but couldn't really 
> see any solution to the conflicting name conventions I faced. Someone 
> pointed out to me that you would place implementations in a different 
> namespace or sub space. But this generated some strange names such as:
> ```
> use Foo\Bar;
> use Foo\Bar\Bar as BarBar;
> ```
> IMO, this is worse then the suffixed interface.
> Lets put that into context:
> ```
> use Foo\Cache;
> use Foo\Cache\Cache as FooCache;
> ```
> And if you like to make it even worse, what if the namespace is 
> `Psr\Cache`:
> ```
> use Psr\Cache\Cache;
> use Psr\Cache\Cache\Cache as PsrCache;
> ```
> ...this makes no sense to me, what is what here? and why require an alias?
> I understand if you don't develop modular and that then the 
> implementations can go in a sub space, such as:
> ```
> use Psr\Cache;
> use Psr\Cache\Cache as PsrCache;
> ```
> But sense we like components and modules that needs to be distributed as 
> such, then better semantics IMO would be:
> ```
> use Cache\Cache;
> use Cache\RedisCache;
> use Cache\MemoryCache;
> use Cache\FileCache;
> ```
> ...implementations should define how they are implemented. When I later 
> declare a dependency, I'm declaring that my class is dependent on a Cache 
> instance, the interface suffix is redundant.
> On a different note, if we are discussing to remove the `Interface` 
> suffix, then included in the discussion should also be `Trait` suffixes and 
> `Abstract` prefixes as mentioned before. Maybe it can be considered best 
> discussed in different threads? In that case, please correct me, but I 
> would say that it's the same category and the same arguments.
> - Suffixes like `Interface` adds redundant noise to the code.
> - Using the suffix makes it more comfortable to create an implementation 
> that is not using a naming convention that declares it's implementation 
> from a semantic perspective (eg. implementing a CacheInterface into a class 
> named Cache)
> > My impression is that the majority of member projects use the Interface 
> suffix.
> The argument that "this is the way we always have done it" is not a good 
> argument IMO, evolving implies change. It's an interesting phenomenon 
> though: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9ySOuJ83Ww

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