That looks like a very specific black magic. Not sure it is a good idea to 
provide such ability.

On Wednesday, March 29, 2017 at 7:48:10 PM UTC+3, David Rodrigues wrote:
> There some cases where it turn need. For instance, on Eloquent (from 
> Laravel) we have a feature called "scope", that is a method prefixed by 
> this term that is called by it radical, instead. For instance:
> public function scopeFilterByName($name) { ... }
> You should call this method like $query->filterByName($name) instead of 
> $query->scopeFilterByName($name).
> Currently we could declare it directly on class, like:
> /** @method void filterByName($name) */
> class MyClass extends Model { ... }
> But is hard to IDE, for instance, understand that it is related to 
> scopeFilterByName().
> Then my suggestion is make this declaration directly on method that 
> supports that:
> /** @method filterByName($name) */
> public function scopeFilterByName($name) { ... }
> *The advantages:*
>    1. IDE could detects exactly "who" is the real method, then read all 
>    parameters related, description, etc.;
>    2. The @method return typehint is optional, when not declared, copy 
>    from real method, if declared, override that;
>    3. The @method parameters is optional, when not declared, copy from 
>    real method, if declared, override that;
> ---
> The same case could be applied to properties.
> Again, on Eloquent, we have a feature called relations, that is declared 
> as methods, but called as properties.
> /** @property User[] $users */
> class MyClass extends Model {
>     ...
>     /** @return HasMany */
>     public function users() { ... }
> }
> Currently that is the way that we should declares it, but again, IDE can't 
> understand it to identify that this property is a relation declared by 
> users() method.
> Then it should be the solution:
> class MyClass extends Model {
>     ...
>     /**
>           * @property User[] $users
>      * @return HasMany 
>           */
>     public function users() { ... }
> }
> The advantages are basically the same that @method.

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