A Twitter thread started from Nicolas Grekas is gaining traction about this 
specific discussion: 

Can we push this forward somehow?

Il giorno venerdì 7 giugno 2019 10:46:18 UTC+2, Alessandro Lai ha scritto:
> I'm very interested in Stefano's proposal, but I have one doubt: using 
> this namespace strategy, it seems to me that a consumer of the spec can 
> only require one revision at a time, is that correct (and desired)?
> Il giorno giovedì 6 giugno 2019 23:11:05 UTC+2, Stefano Torresi ha scritto:
>> Hey list,
>> First of all, thanks Alessandro for bringing this up.
>> I have given a lot of thought on this topic, which, as most of you will 
>> know, has been recurring pretty much since PHP7 was released.
>> I never actually sat down and write these thoughts of mine, though, so I 
>> better do it now, finally.
>> While I agree that something *must* be done to ease the process of 
>> keeping PSRs up to date, I think the suggested approach is too simplistic 
>> and would introduce more problems than it solves.
>> There are multiple facets to this issue, here are some we need to solve 
>> to fully address it:
>> - The common Git workflow of opening a PR doesn't really fit a project 
>> that is meant be immutable once released, bar minor erratas that can't 
>> effectively harm users.
>> - The specification documents are separate from the actual code, if any; 
>> I think this is exactly why simply opening a PR, voting it, and merging may 
>> seem easy, but it's actually not. If we update the interfaces and release a 
>> new version of the Composer package, we also need to update the specs, and 
>> vice-versa. While updating the package is a simple as bumping a tag, 
>> updating the specification documents has no actual release process instead, 
>> because a new PSR is supposed to be created instead. We can't simply make 
>> the old specification documents disappear by merging a PR. Also, superseded 
>> major versions should still be accessible for future reference.
>> - All specs are all in the same repository, so their lifecycle cannot be 
>> managed independently.
>> - The namespace of the code we produce (Psr\Foo\Bar and Fig\Bar\Baz) is 
>> fragmented, ambiguous and wouldn't accommodate multiple major version of 
>> the same PSR living in the same codebase. This makes effectively impossible 
>> to provide soft migration paths from one version to another, which would 
>> probably end up in a Python 3 scenario, where not enough people will 
>> migrate to the new ones to simply declare the old one DEAD, thus incurring 
>> in the risk of very long and painful transition timeframes where multiple 
>> incompatible standards are used in the wild.
>> Now, at the cost of sounding preposterous, I will propose the following:
>> *I think we need to completely overhaul **our naming conventions, **the 
>> PSR release process (just the release, not the production workflow!), and 
>> how we use VCS to manage the documents and sources we produce. This 
>> involves a lot of changes and the willingness to turn page quite 
>> drastically.*
>> Here comes some craziness, but bear with me.
>> We could overhaul the naming scheme by introducing the concept of 
>> Revisions:
>> Standard name: PSR-$n - $topic [ - Revision $major.$minor.$patch]
>> Package name: fig/psr-$n-$topic[-rev-$major]:$major.$minor.$path
>> Namespace: Fig\Psr$n[\Rev$major]\
>> URI: php-fig.org/psr/psr-$n-$topic[-rev-$major] 
>> <http://php-fig.org/psr/psr-$n-$topic%5B-rev-$major%5D>
>> Example 1:
>> PSR-7 - HTTP Messages - Revision 1.0.0
>> Package name: fig/psr-7-http-messages:1.0.0  
>> Namespace: Fig\Psr7\  
>> URI: php-fig.org/psr/psr-7-http-messages
>> Example 2:
>> PSR-7 -  HTTP Messages - Revision 2.0.0
>> Package name: fig/psr-7-http-messages-rev-2:2.0.0  
>> Namespace: Fig\Psr7\Rev2\  
>> URI: php-fig.org/psr/psr-7-http-messages-rev-2
>> Example 3:
>> PSR-7 -  HTTP Messages - Revision 2.0.1
>> Package name: fig/psr-7-http-messages-rev-2:2.0.1
>> Namespace: Fig\Psr7\Rev2\  
>> URI: php-fig.org/psr/psr-7-http-messages-rev-2
>> Note that:
>> - The Revision number matches the Semver package version, but it's 
>> doesn't map exactly to the same concept. The most relevant part is 
>> obviously the major number because minor and patch should not break 
>> compatibility, thus releasing a new Revision will not be required.
>> - If the Revision is omitted, it means it's 1.x, thus referring just to 
>> "PSR-7" implies version 1.x.
>> - The $n is still determined at PSR entrance, but it is *never* changed 
>> unless the PSR purpose changes substantially, enough to grant a scenario 
>> where two standards may coexist and both be current (e.g. "PSR-6 - Caching 
>> Interface" and "PSR-16 - Simple Cache"). 
>> - Deprecated minor and patch versions are not accessible other than via 
>> Composer.
>> - The Composer package should contain both the specification documents 
>> AND the sources, if any.
>> - For simplicity, $topic refers to both a text representation and a 
>> slugified one.
>> In hindsight, I think the IETF naming convention has *heavy* negative 
>> trade-offs. Some will argue that it's a good naming scheme, but I think we 
>> can agree that trying to remember what RFC is about what is a waste of 
>> neurons. We have had it easy because we only had to deprecate one standard, 
>> PSR-2, but, believe it or not, I have seen people still getting confused 
>> about this, because someone would refer to a spec as "the autoloader PSR", 
>> to only later mention the actual version, leading to undesirable "gotchas".
>> Considering that if we had to keep the pace with the engine development 
>> cycle, in the worst case we would need to release a new version every two 
>> years, simply using natural numbers to identify standards would quickly 
>> become a mess. Also, we can't make it match with Semver major versions, and 
>> this should be enough to prove it ineffective as a versioning scheme.
>> The main reason for introducing a separate concept from the Composer 
>> version is because Composer doesn't allow for multiple versions of the same 
>> package to coexist.
>> That said, using the major Semver number in the namespace would allow 
>> very straight forward migration paths, avoiding the Python scenario: we 
>> could produce backwards compatible adapters for newer Revisions, that could 
>> coexist with previous ones, actively encouraging adoption of the new and 
>> deprecation of the old.
>> Separating it from the PSR number allows unambiguous and clear naming, 
>> ensuring that a specification will successfully endure the test of time 
>> without causing headaches, contrary to things like RFC2616.
>> Omitting the Revision for V1 allows for a cleaner transition from the 
>> current status quo, and avoids unnecessary verbosity for standards that 
>> would hardly be ever updated because of inherent characteristics.
>> Bundling documents *with* the sources I think just makes sense, I can't 
>> imagine why they should continue to be separated. If someone wants to 
>> implement a spec, they will just have to require the package and open the 
>> included markdown in the vendor dir, which they will be *sure* it matches 
>> the interfaces they are trying to implement.
>> On a side note, I would also take the chance to rename the topic of some 
>> of the current PSRs, because sometimes we have a pleonastic "Interfaces" in 
>> the name that just drives me crazy, but hey, that's just me.
>> So how do we release this stuff?
>> Simple enough: different repos for each PSR, for each Revision. A new 
>> Revision is a fork of the previous one. If a PR is opened to a current PSR 
>> but it requires a new Revision, it should be straightforward to retarget it 
>> to a new fork, once the due voting process is done. The WG members will be 
>> maintainers of all the repos of a PSR. This should also make it *much 
>> easier* the governance of the access and the contribution process, which I 
>> reckon it hasn't always been exactly seamless with the current flow (e.g. 
>> sometimes PRs have been hanging for a lot of time because the Editor or 
>> anyone in the WG was not notified, or they needed approval from the 
>> secretaries, etc).
>> We could also talk about a Revision Approval voting protocol, which could 
>> maybe be a shorter version of the corresponding PSR Readiness and 
>> Acceptance, or maybe just use those instead, but I'll leave this particular 
>> issue open because I think is not that crucial right now.
>> This is all I got for now, I realise that there may be unclear details, 
>> but at least we started a discussion on this problem.
>> I know for a fact that some people won't approve any of this, so I'll 
>> now let you throw figurative milk shakes at me.
>> Cheers,
>> Stefano
>> Il giorno gio 6 giu 2019 alle ore 16:14 Matthew Weier O'Phinney <
>> mweierophin...@gmail.com> ha scritto:
>>> On Thu, Jun 6, 2019 at 4:16 AM Alessandro Lai <
>>> alessandro.la...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I would like to push forward a proposal that is bugging me for so long. 
>>>> Today I read this comment on our GitHub: 
>>>> https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/pull/1171#issuecomment-499382349
>>>> Larry correctly shot down the last in a long list of small PRs that our 
>>>> approved PSRs had received in the past. This is because the PSRs, as 
>>>> standards, should be immutable, and they cannot be changed meaningfully, 
>>>> apart from small erratas. 
>>>> I would like to change that.
>>>> This is a topic that many times surfaced in our chats, but we never 
>>>> tried to solve it. The release schedule of the language is a lot more 
>>>> tight 
>>>> and fast compared to the past, and we need to keep up the pace, to avoid 
>>>> that our PSRs become obsolete in a matter of years.
>>>> My proposal is simple but limited; I didn't work on a full text change 
>>>> of our bylaws, but before I delve in the technicalities I would like to 
>>>> try 
>>>> and explain my idea succinctly, to see if I have some consensus about it.
>>>> This is the summary of my proposal:
>>>>  - PSRs packages can receive new major releases
>>>>  - new majors should be used just to improve the code, so that it can 
>>>> use new language features (types, return type, void, \Throwable...)
>>>>  - the new major should never break the spec
>>>>  - implementors should be able to easily support all majors of the 
>>>> package (AKA "psr/*": "^1.0|^2.0"); even more, it should be recommended
>>>>  - if possible, the additions to the spec should just be added to 
>>>> implement in code something from the spec that before wasn't expressible 
>>>> before (like exceptions interfaces extending `\Throwable`)
>>>>  - a changelog should be appended to the PSR to reflect the changes in 
>>>> the new version
>>>>  - the process to make this happen should be:
>>>>  -- PR to the PSR
>>>>  -- demonstrate straightforward cross-compat between version
>>>>  -- editor approval, calls a CC vote
>>>>  -- CC vote with 2/3 majority
>>>> What do you think? Do you think this is doable?
>>> I really like this idea!
>>> The one part I don't think is possible is the line "implementors should 
>>> be able to easily support all majors of the package ... it should be 
>>> recommended."
>>> Why?
>>> Because some language changes are not compatible with previous versions.
>>> As an example, if we have the following in the original spec:
>>>     interface Car
>>>     {
>>>         /**
>>>          * @param string $brand
>>>          * @return self
>>>          */
>>>         public function withBrand($brand);
>>>     }
>>> and v2 then updates to take advantage of scalar type hints and return 
>>> type hints:
>>>     interface Car
>>>     {
>>>         public function withBrand(string $brand) : self;
>>>     }
>>> then an implementation MUST choose one version or the other. Why?
>>> - If it targets the v1 spec, it will be incorrect for v2, as the 
>>> typehints are missing entirely.
>>> - If it adds typehints to follow v2, it's invalid for usage with v1, 
>>> because v1 defined no typehints. (This is not a problem if only an RTH is 
>>> added; however, as soon as any arguments have typehints, it is.)
>>> (See https://3v4l.org/JbEJI for an example; you can comment out one or 
>>> the other implementation to see the errors each produces.)
>>> Consumers generally won't need to care much, as the _usage_ will be 
>>> identical. They can safely pin to multiple versions of the PSR package. 
>>> However, the packages _providing the implementations_ will have to do some 
>>> nasty dynamic polyfill stuff to make it work, and it will only get harder 
>>> the more versions they need to support. I'd argue implementors should bump 
>>> major versions to support new versions of the PSR package.
>>> -- 
>>> Matthew Weier O'Phinney
>>> mweierophin...@gmail.com
>>> https://mwop.net/
>>> he/him
>>> -- 
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To view this discussion on the web visit 
  • [BYLAW] Propo... Alessandro Lai
    • Re: [BYL... Woody Gilk
    • Re: [BYL... Larry Garfield
    • Re: [BYL... Matthew Weier O'Phinney
      • Re: ... Stefano Torresi
        • ... Korvin Szanto
        • ... Alessandro Lai
          • ... Alessandro Lai
            • ... Stefano Torresi
              • ... Cees-Jan Kiewiet
                • ... Alessandro Lai
                • ... Alexandru Pătrănescu
                • ... 'Edward Almasy' via PHP Framework Interoperability Group
                • ... Adrien Crivelli
                • ... Alexandru Pătrănescu
                • ... 'Alexander Makarow' via PHP Framework Interoperability Group
                • ... Alexandru Pătrănescu
                • ... Alessandro Lai

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