On Wed, Apr 29, 2020 at 11:38 AM 'Matteo Beccati' via PHP Framework
Interoperability Group <php-fig@googlegroups.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> so, we just voted the feature in (58 vs 1), but you'd like to disallow
> it in PSR-12. I don't think that is a good move, as much as you hate the
> feature yourself.

The issue isn't so much whether we hate or love the feature, it's that
PSR-12 was locked in before that was an available feature. At the time,
because of how PSRs are immutable essentially, the choice was either
continue to hold off doing PSR-12 until PHP X.Y comes out with new features
(and write a spec for a feature against no usage to back up the spec), or
update the spec with what was currently available. There will always be new
features and syntax being added, and with immutable PSRs they will always
be somewhat behind.

The better fix would be to allow living PSRs, but we currently don't have

> On 29/04/2020 11:20, tag Knife wrote:
> > Since the RFC to allow this behavour in PHP 8 has been accepted, I wish
> > to start talks on if we should amend PSR-12 to allow or disallow
> > trailing commas in function and method names.
> >
> > There is general confusion within the community why this RFC has been
> > firstly proposed and mostly accepted. With others welcoming the change
> > as they apparently do this error all the time.
> >
> > Personally I have never had a problem with accedently trailing a comma
> > in parameter lists and against this RFC, I think it promotes learned bad
> > habits instead of allowing people to learn from mistakes.
> > I am for disallowing trailing commas in parameter lists in either PSR-12
> > or any future code style.
> >
> > Discuss.
> >
> > RFC: https://wiki.php.net/rfc/trailing_comma_in_parameter_list
> Cheers
> --
> Matteo Beccati
> Development & Consulting - http://www.beccati.com/
> --
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Chris Tankersley

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