On Thu, Jun 18, 2020, at 3:16 PM, Benni Mack wrote:
> Hey PHP-FIG,
> some of you might know me through my participation in the PSR-14 
> Working Group. I'm the project lead for the PHP-based Content 
> Management System TYPO3 (https://typo3.org).
> I would like TYPO3 to become a member of PHP-FIG. I already applied in 
> 2015 once, where PHP-FIG 3.0 was in the making 
> https://groups.google.com/d/topic/php-fig/Lt6TgViGBIw/discussion
> However, I'd like to apply again, hopefully having TYPO3 become a 
> member, as we're strong supporters of PHP-FIG, and would of course love 
> to do extend our continuous efforts to standardize across frameworks 
> and Content Management Systems. I'm aware that being a "member" of 
> PHP-FIG is not as critical or important as some might see it, but for 
> us at TYPO3 it's a matter of support and pushing the efforts of PHP-FIG 
> forward.
> I don't know exactly if I should start a vote or if this is done by a 
> CC member or Secretary.
> https://www.php-fig.org/bylaws/voting-protocol/#membership-vote

Technically, as written an existing project rep from another project needs to 
call the vote, and all votes should have a 2 week discussion period prior.  I 
guess this email starts off that 2 week timer.

I fully support and endorse TYPO3's membership.  They meet all of the 
requirements and they're leveraging several PSRs already.  I'm not a project 
rep, though, so I cannot call a vote in 2 weeks. :-)  Someone who is, please do 

--Larry Garfield

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