Hi folks.

Last year I proposed a CoC for FIG, based on the Code Manifesto by Graham 
Daniels.  It was subsequently edited a bit by former FIG Secretary Margaret 
Staples.  I left it lie for a bit in the hopes that Margaret's changes would be 
merged back into the Code Manifesto proper, but that never happened and then I 
got distracted by other things and then the world turned upside down and... 

So, I'm finally back with take 2, which is really just continuing where the 
previous attempt left off.  Specifically, this PR:


The only change I am still debating myself is whether to include "lifestyle 
choice" as one of the forms of discrimination that we're not on board with.  It 
is a distinction that is important to me (as many know), but I know that others 
fear it is too easy to hide jerkish behavior behind.  That said, I'm certain a 
dedicated jerk could hide behind absolutely any label if they put their mind to 
it.  Hence my hesitation.

Since it's been so long I'll consider this a new discussion period of minimum 2 
weeks, with the intent to bring it to a vote shortly thereafter.

  Larry Garfield

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