Zitat von Larry Garfield <la...@garfieldtech.com>:

We previously attempted to upgrade a few PSRs to PHP 7, in stages per bylaw. However, we discovered through experimentation with PSR-13 and others that the upgrades would be a lot easier if we jumped straight to PHP 8, thanks to its more robust type support. (Specifically, string|\Stringable and return static.)

PHP 8 is now here, so let's get back to it.

Here are the re-upped PSR-13 PRs to add modern typing. This requires a 2/3 CC vote, I believe. Today begins the 2 week discussion period, although since that puts the vote starting smack in the middle of everyone's Christmas holiday I will likely not call the vote to start until early January. There is still the bikeshedding around whether these are 1.1/2.0 or 2.0/3.0, for which I do not have enough energy to really give a damn either way.

The vote would be to accept all 3 PRs and tag accordingly.

Step 1: https://github.com/php-fig/link/pull/6

Why does only withHref() accept Stringable, and not the other methods with string parameters?

Step 2: https://github.com/php-fig/link/pull/7
Spec: https://github.com/php-fig/fig-standards/pull/1199

  Larry Garfield

Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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