The editors that I usually use are Textpad and Jedit. I usually use Textpad
as it's my favorite editor. Jedit is very similar to Textpad which is why
it's my second favorite editor. The bonus of using Jedit is that it's
written entirely in Java so it also runs in Linux (quite well too). You can
download them both here:

They both provide color syntax highlighting for PHP (as well as just about
everything else) and both have loads of extra features (much like those of
UltraEdit). So if this is the sort of editor you're looking for these are
both worth a look see.

As far as Linux goes, Jedit is the only editor I've been able to find that
compares against something like Textpad or UltraEdit.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Miles Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "defender of the protocol" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>;
Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 9:50 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] looking for a PHP editor

> Editors are like hammers - once you get used to one, well that's what you
> use because you know how it behaves. For a Windows environment I'll
> jeremy's recommendation of Ultraedit -- my hammer of choice. It offers
> neat features: tons of macros and word files for various languages,
> multiple windows into same document, an easily used column mode that just
> great for picking a list of fields from one file and inserting into
> Need hex? Click on the "H" button on the toolbar.
> Need wordwrapping? There's a wrap button, and wraps can be soft or hard.
> Need to change formatting between DOS and Unix/MAC? Click of a button.
> For Linx, etc.? I don't have a hammer yet. I feel obligated to use VIM,
> I cut my teeth on WordStar for CP/M so Joe is comfortable, but I'm leaning
> towards Jed. I find VIM very arcane, but if it's your hammer of choice, go
> for it.
> And if you have the horsepower, in the Linux GUI there's Bluefish -- looks
> quite nice.
> Finally, don't forget AMAYA, but you won't find and PHP add-ons.
> Now, can we pick one and get back to work?
> Cheers - Miles
> PS I really liked yesterday's comment that " Real Programmers cat
> /dev/audio > myprog and hiss machine code into the mic". Kewl!! //mt
> At 08:35 AM 01/10/2001 -0500, defender of the protocol wrote:
> >the specialized editors for php are bs, you don't need an IDE to script
> >your web page or anything else for that matter
> >
> >
> >
> >go get a copy of UltraEdit, download the wordfile for php syntax so it
> >highlights properly, and you're set
> >
> >
> >
> >i'm sure someone on this list has said this before
> >
> >- jeremy
> >
> >At 07:49 PM 1/9/2001, you wrote:
> >
> >> > I went to their homepage, and couldn't find a link to download
> >> > the actual program, just some example stuff, and it says "coming
> >> > soon"... Is it out there somewhere and I'm just retarded, or are
> >> > you mob on a beta list or something???
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>Their homepage is sort of hidden because it's still in beta.
> >>Like in the version i downloaded the generated code gave a lot of PHP
> >>I understand they are working on it every day, sometimes it works,
> >>not.
> >>
> >>Also my trial period was only 1 day due to some error.
> >>
> >>
> >>Chris
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>--  C.Hayes  Droevendaal 35  6708 PB Wageningen  the Netherlands  --
> >>--------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>--
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