If you set it up so that every incoming mail to your domain ends up in one
account, use the imap-functions ( compile them into php if not already done
) to open a stream and fetch the data. The "TO" header should be in there
somewhere and contain the original data. 

Could be run from cron at a regular basis.

-Jørg V. Bryne

-----Original Message-----
From: Dieter Kneffel [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 11. januar 2001 02:15
To: php-general
Subject: [PHP] PHP makes sexy!

Well, now that I finally got your attention, you perhaps
might be able to help me! 

Just wondering why nobody ansered yet: Is my
question to hard to understand or is the issue
to complicated....???

--------------- original message ---------------

Please help! Perhaps you have an idea what to do:

I want to get information directly from sendmail,
like the body of the message and, very important,
the receipients address.

So if someone sends an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I want to see who it was sent to.

Currently I am using a script that is triggered
by an alias in /etc/aliases. Problem here is, I
only get the header but no more information. This
script isn't intended for one single user but for
a whole domain, purpose is for messaging. So I
really don't want to create a login for every possible
name as I don't know the names before. You have
to think of this like a short messaging service
where you send a message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
with 0123456789 beeing the phone number of the
The above mentioned script gets the emails' contents
from stdin but fails if e.g. the mail is sent as
a blind copy (BCC) or if multiple receipients are
listed in the header!

Do you have an idea for me? I was thinking about
the mailertable, to do something similar as you
do when you set up an UUCP account for a whole
domain, but I don't know where I can interface.

So, any ideas are highly appreciated!



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