At 02:54 PM 1/12/01 , Jerry Lake wrote:
>is it possible with regex to
>change one or more text characters
>followed by a space into the same
>characters followed by a tab?
>Jerry Lake

For example -

         $NewString = ereg_replace("([[:alpha:]]+) ", "\\1".chr(9), $String);

This will convert a sequence of one or more alphabetic characters followed 
by one space to the same set of characters followed by a tab (that's the 
chr(9) part).

If you want to match only a specific set of text characters - say, a, e, i, 
o and u - then you can use

         $NewString = eregi_replace("([aeiou]+) ", "\\1".chr(9), $String);

Notice i used eregi_replace() instead of ereg_replace(); the 'i' means case 

Of course, there are other ways of doing this with preg_replace and 
str_replace, both of which are faster than ereg_replace (str_replace is the 
fastest); I happen to use ereg becaouse I'm most familiar with it, since it 
came along before the preg_ functions. As always, you can check out the docs:


(The usual off-the-top-of-my-head-untested-code-snippet caveats apply)

| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                     (530)754-9127 |
|         |
+---------------------- Gort, Klaatu barada nikto! ----------------------+

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