Hey Folks!

I have the following situation:

I store in a MySQL table part of the HTML code that is used to mount
dinamically the pages of a web site. The file looks something like this:

Database stuff
include header.inc;

tags and text)

include footer.inc;

Before I enter any data in the database I put HTML comments like this: <!--
TEXT --> before and after any text that appear as a result of the HTML
formatting in the browser, like this:

<div align=left class=bodytext><!-- TEXT -->This is a bogus text used in
this example in this boring example.<!-- TEXT --></div>

My idea was to create a parser later that would get this result from the
database and, in an administration module that I create, let the user modify
the text from the page without touching the HTML code. So let's say:

<!-- TEXT -->
Our companies operate under a very simple set of rules:
<!-- TEXT -->
<ul type="circle" compact>
<li class="white">
<!-- TEXT -->
We try always to offer superior products at competitive prices
<!-- TEXT -->
<li class="white">
<!-- TEXT -->
We work to develop proprietary technologies that will give us a competitive
<!-- TEXT -->
<li class="white">
<!-- TEXT -->
We engage in new enterprises in a controlled and conservative manner
<!-- TEXT -->
<li class="white">
<!-- TEXT -->
We are committed to our employee&rsquo;s well being and professional
<!-- TEXT -->

Would appear in the browser like this:

Our companies operate under a very simple set of rules:

  o  We try always to offer superior products at competitive prices
  o  We work to develop proprietary technologies that will give us a
competitive advantage
  o  We engage in new enterprises in a controlled and conservative manner
  o  We are committed to our employee&rsquo;s well being and professional

But in the administration module all the text surrounded by the <!--
TEXT --> tag like this:

<!-- TEXT -->
We are committed to our employee&rsquo;s well being and professional
<!-- TEXT -->

would become something like this:

<!-- TEXT -->
We are committed to our employee&rsquo;s well being and professional
&nbsp;<a href="edittext.php?pageid=X"><img src="images/edit_buttom.gif"></a>
<!-- TEXT -->

where the edit_buttom.gif would appear beside of each text that could be
edited in that page.

Any ideas?

Thank you in advance,


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