Hello Herb,

(SOM == "SuiteNet Operations Manager") [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

SOM> I was wondering what Im sure a well knowledged php expert like
SOM> your self would recommend a hands on php crash course. The best
SOM> way for me to jump right in to understanding php and getting
SOM> started making my first data base.

These are a good start, then move on to some of the other sites on the
links page.


SOM> Ps. Any books you think would be my best start.


SOM> I also Know about php4 but I have users I guess up till now are
SOM> using php3 will this change what the are doing and continuing to
SOM> do. I mean do they have learn and change everything to or is it I
SOM> except everything till now and then more of what php4 offers too.
SOM> Im not sure how that works.

Most of it is the same, but there are small differences. Be sure you
read this:


I would also suggest that you notify your users and give them a chance
to respond if they wish.

SOM> I do not want to change anything on the server UN LESS IM VERY


SOM> Ok well I thank you so much.

Hope I helped, and best of luck.


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