> The subject pretty much explains it all.  I have 2 dates (YYYYMMDDHHSS
> format) and want to determine the number of days, hours, minutes and
> left from the later date to the earlier date.  I figure I could do all
> using date arithmatic, divide by 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an
> hour, 24 hours in a day and so forth, but was wondering if there a better
> (or easier way) to do this before I start coding away.?

If those come from MySQL, use MySQL's date_add function.  Or something like


If they are just from some raw text file...  I'm betting that somebody has
done the subtraction and formatting part for PHP dates, so you just need to
use http://php.net/substr and http://php.net/mktime

Check the code archives linked from http://php.net/links.php for date

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