John Huggins wrote:
> I suggest Ultraedit (on the PC) at  I use it
> along side Dreamweaver with good results and good organization.  Ultraedit
> (out of the box) does not know about PHP; you configure it with one of the
> several wordlist files and then you will have syntax highlighting.  I try
> to use Dreamweaver to organize and FTP the files back and forth from server
> to workstation.  However, I have frequently used the built in FTP Load/Save
> ability in Ultraedit; This is a great timesaver.

That depends. If you can't test locally, it can. If you can, and especially 
when you're working on some bigger application and use CVS anyway it won't do 
you any good.

> Still, an editor is just an editor 

But emacs is pretty different, isn't it? You can't compare emacs or vi to any 
other editor.


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