Hit Thomas,

you need to recompile PHP with the options you want (as a shared apache
module) and then replace libphp4.so on /usr/lib/apache/ with your own
A good thing is to keep SuSE's version as a backup:-)
Don't forget to restart apache afterwards. (/etc/rc.d/apache stop;
/etc/rc.d/apache start)

A SuSE.6.4 user.


Thomas Weber wrote:
> Hi,
> i try to use the shared memory functions on a SuSE Linux 7.0 server with
> Apache and mod_php4 out of the box installed with yast. For shmop i need to
> configure PHP with --enable-shmop with isn't enabled in this installation.
> I know how to enable this when compiling and installing the source of
> mod_php4, what is to difficult for me, i think. But how to enable it in the
> SuSE-RPM-Distribution? I found a mod_php4.spec in /usr/src/packages/SPECS in
> wich the configuration options are, butr i don't know how to use it to
> install this RPM with my own configuration. Can anyone help me?
> Sincerly,
> ---
> Thomas Weber
> CYNOBIA Community Online Service AG
> K&oacgr;hbachstra&iacgr;e 11
> 81543 M&oacgr;nchen
> fon 089-78 06 0(280)
> fax 089-78 06 01 99
> net http://www.CYNOBIA.de

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