At 05:24 PM 1/23/01 +0100, Jirka Kosek wrote:
>Teodor Cimpoesu wrote:
> > my follow-up was from an suggest of using <% though :)
> > it exists in C, ASP and JSP. We have it in PHP, why not use it?
>Because it is not compatible with XML syntax.

I agree. The short answer is to the question is "Standards".

There are heaps of tools around for processing data that conforms to the
XML standard - if you keep you documents ( and code script is just a
  document ) in XML those tools are available to you.

This is one of the big arguments in favour of XSLT - because it is stored
in XML the argument is that you can manage you XML content documents
and the XSLT code you process it with all with the same set of tools.
This includes editors, document storage, validators, pretty printers etc.

( Note: whether the benefits outweigh the cost in my example are
   arguable and I am not going there )

Brian White
Step Two Designs Pty Ltd - SGML, XML & HTML Consultancy

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