> Where is my crontrab file located?

I dunno...

You're really not supposed to just edit it like a normal file, cuz then
crontab can't run it while you are editing it, I guess.

Anyway, the man pages for sure say "Don't do that.", so don't.

You're supposed to use:

crontab -e

to edit it.

That will throw you into the editor defined in the variable EDITOR, I think.

If you don't like the editor you get, you can change that EDITOR variable to
be "vi" or "emacs" or "pico" or "joe" or whatever you normally use to edit
text files.

Now for a newbie, changing a variable is an exercise in frustation in its
own right...

No two shells (the program that, like, when you type "ls" it does what it
should do) are the same for something as mind-numbingly simple as setting a
darn variable.

Easiest way to fake your way through not knowing this stuff is this:

#1.  Cd to your home directory

#2.  Show *all* the files in your home dir:
ls -als

#3.  Edit the file that has a name kinda like .bashrc or .bash_profile...

vi .bash_profile
*** OR ****
pico .bash_profile

#4.  Look for something that seems to be setting a variable, like one of
setenv PATH=blahblahblah
export PATH

#5.  Do kinda the same thing as that, only with DISPLAY and vi, or pico, or

#6.  If you don't see anything like setting a variable, quit your editor and
try another file in your home dir.

Confession:  It took me weeks to do my first crontab, due to these sorts of
things:  I'd just about wrap my poor little brain around the crontab format,
and then, BAM!, I'm in some editor I can't even figure out how to use, so
off I'd get frustrated and quit.  It was never a *need* to do the crontab
thing, so I was trying to get it done in a 15-minute task...  Anyway, I
think I must have stumbled through all of this 3 or 4 times before I finally
could manage a block of time big enough to work it all out.

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