You could just create a text file with cron commands
and then load it into cron using,
%>crontab cronfile

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Lynch [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, January 27, 2001 12:03 AM
> Subject: Re: [PHP] Where is my contrab file located?
> > Where is my crontrab file located?
> I dunno...
> You're really not supposed to just edit it like a normal file, cuz then
> crontab can't run it while you are editing it, I guess.
> Anyway, the man pages for sure say "Don't do that.", so don't.
> You're supposed to use:
> crontab -e
> to edit it.
> That will throw you into the editor defined in the variable
> EDITOR, I think.
> If you don't like the editor you get, you can change that EDITOR
> variable to
> be "vi" or "emacs" or "pico" or "joe" or whatever you normally use to edit
> text files.
> Now for a newbie, changing a variable is an exercise in frustation in its
> own right...
> No two shells (the program that, like, when you type "ls" it does what it
> should do) are the same for something as mind-numbingly simple as
> setting a
> darn variable.
> Easiest way to fake your way through not knowing this stuff is this:
> #1.  Cd to your home directory
> cd
> #2.  Show *all* the files in your home dir:
> ls -als
> #3.  Edit the file that has a name kinda like .bashrc or .bash_profile...
> vi .bash_profile
> *** OR ****
> pico .bash_profile
> #4.  Look for something that seems to be setting a variable, like one of
> these:
> setenv PATH=blahblahblah
> PATH=blahbalbhabl
> export PATH
> #5.  Do kinda the same thing as that, only with DISPLAY and vi,
> or pico, or
> whatever.
> #6.  If you don't see anything like setting a variable, quit your
> editor and
> try another file in your home dir.
> Confession:  It took me weeks to do my first crontab, due to
> these sorts of
> things:  I'd just about wrap my poor little brain around the
> crontab format,
> and then, BAM!, I'm in some editor I can't even figure out how to use, so
> off I'd get frustrated and quit.  It was never a *need* to do the crontab
> thing, so I was trying to get it done in a 15-minute task...  Anyway, I
> think I must have stumbled through all of this 3 or 4 times
> before I finally
> could manage a block of time big enough to work it all out.
> --
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