At 12:17 AM 1/19/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Does anyone have any suggestions on a good book for beginners. I currently
>own "PHP3 Programming Browser-Based Applications" by David Medinets. I have
>no regrets thus far on purchasing the book but it seems to leave a lot out
>and his examples are somewhat... skewed.

I haven't taken any classes on programming, so I was a rank amateur last July.
I've hand-coded HTML since 1995, but this is my first real language.

Julie Meloni's "PHP Essentials" got me up and running so I could complete
two sites with MySQL database connection.

Folks from this list and Leon Atkinson's "Core PHP Programming" are getting
me through the next site, which is strictly PHP/HTML and tracks 350+ variables
over 8 (4 in, 4 out) pages. After a 15 minute study between the two at a
book store, 
I preferred this book over "Professional PHP Programming" because of the many
examples cited in the book (and listings on the CD) and the author's easy

I have only 700 more pages to go, too!  ;)

Larry Jaques, President  1.760.941.8868
DIVERSIFY! Communications  Vista, CA  USA
1991 - Celebrating Our 10th Year in Business - 2001
Comprehensive Website Development

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