On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 12:46:37AM -0500, Kristofer Widholm wrote : 
> Well, I've been given the joyous task of implementing the DaveTV 
> project at CBS via PHP, using Oracle as a database.
> I've never used Oracle before.
> Looking at the PHP functions for Oracle, and having heard about it in 
> the past, it seems like quite a different approach than any SQL 
> database I've ever used.  I still don't get the whole point of cursor 
> objects, etc. :-)

        It's ain't that hard. Just use OCILogon to connect, then
OCIParse to parse the sql statement and finally OCIExecute it.
Loop through your result data with OCIFetchInto.

        The Shitload of possible errors should be abstracted into
a class.


Markus Fischer,  http://josefine.ben.tuwien.ac.at/~mfischer/
EMail:         [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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