"PHPBeginner.com" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, Cobalt Raq4 is not an easy-to-compile-on Server ...

I'm just curious, what are you basing this on?  Compiling Apache on it with
all of the modules compiled in by default might be tricky, but in my
experience compiling PHP, MySQL and anything not used directly by the GUI is
rarely more difficult than compiling on any Linux box.  I'm not pushing
Cobalt products - that doesn't benefit me in anyway, but the RaQx servers
are a solution I'd recommend to individuals if it seems like a good match
based on their skills and needs - despite some of the downsides of the RaQs.

> and 1 single IP when you get a dedicated server? no ...

Well, it really depends what your needs are.  If you can accomplish
everything you need using a single IP and name-based hosting then you really
don't need additional IPs.  I don't believe the original poster ever stated
why he would need additional IPs, even after being informed what situations
would require them.

Steve Werby
24-7 Computer Services, LLC
Tel: 804.817.2470

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