Academic curiosity -

You can do the following:

echo "3 - 2 = " . ( bcsub( 3, 2 ));

and PHP evaluates the expression in parenthesis (in this 
case a function) before it evaluates the echo statement 
and what gets printed out is:

3 - 2 = 1

Now, say I have a function where one of the arguments
is passed by reference and is modified within the function.
I can call this function on one line

myFunc( &$modifiedVariable );

and print out the value (if any) of $modifiedVariable on
the next

echo $modifiedVariable.

So what I am wondering is if you can turn those two
statements into one?  The function is going to get evaluated
first we already know,  but I am not certain how I could
get the (new) value of $modifiedVariable.  Yes, it's just one
extra line but that is not why I ask.  I was thinking about it
yesterday and I became very curious if it could even be done.
Nothing I tried yielded results so I'm turning to the experts.

Is this possible?
Thanks for entertaining my curiosity!


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