On Wednesday 31 January 2001 16:03, Boget, Chris wrote:

> Now, say I have a function where one of the arguments
> is passed by reference and is modified within the function.
> I can call this function on one line
> myFunc( &$modifiedVariable );
> and print out the value (if any) of $modifiedVariable on
> the next
> echo $modifiedVariable.
> So what I am wondering is if you can turn those two
> statements into one?  The function is going to get evaluated
> first we already know,  but I am not certain how I could
> get the (new) value of $modifiedVariable.  

What about using normal pass-by-value and returning the result?

function MyFunc ($SomeVal)
  $SomeVal += 42;
  return $SomeVal;

echo MyFunc ($StrangeVal);

Anyway - functions that get their parameters by reference and modify them 
can cause much trouble, so better be careful with that.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

I saw God --------- and she was black.

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