Hey Shane,

This is a tricky issue, here's me (USD):

  $30/hr if end result becomes open sourced (no strings)

General discounts for features such as : fun,true non-profit,intelligent
employer,learning curve and it all lives on a sliding scale depending on
their ability to pay and my desire for work/money (time).  Also, barter 
is usually an option.  Usually hovers between 30-50 and one day this will
go up :-)  This is the most difficult part of the job, time estimates
and pricing.  Bah.  "Just give me money and I'll do stuff." 


Philip Olson

> On Wed, Jan 31, 2001 at 03:25:27PM -0500, Shane McBride wrote:
> I know this is not really a PHP question, but it should make for a good
> thread. :) 
> I was wondering what other PHP people charge to write PHP? I have just
> been given a project for a fairly large customer, much larger than I
> normally do work for. So I am VERY confused.concerned about how to price
> it. Most of my other PHP projects have been done for small single owners
> businesses, and the PHP has been pretty basic.    
> Now that I can actually do what I am being asked without have to learn
> it, I am stuck. I did a shopping cart for someone, but I didn't charge
> them a REAL price because I didn't know how to do it with PHP. So, I of
> course didn't charge the client for my learning curve.   
> I know the price is very dependant upon the task. What I am doing is
> creating a web-based front-end for a MySQL database. I'll need to create
> the database tables, etc. The front-end is going to be rather dynamic
> since the data content depends largely on the previous choices of the
> end-user. One or two tables with 20-30 fields. 5-6 pages of html and
> PHP.     
> I'm just scouting this out, and am VERY confident with the contributors
> to this list and their opinions.  
> TIA,
> Shane

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