> Isn't it illegal in the US to discuss
> rates in this manner?
> It's always been my understanding that
> The U.S. law specifically makes discussion
> of pricing between competitors (all or some)
> a federal offense.
> Am I taking this too literally?

I think so.

First of all, this isn't a US-only forum.
Secondly, the point is to avoid price-fixing.  Given the current status of
the web-design industry, there are far, far too many wannabes out there for
any real price-fixing to be effective.
Thirdly, the variance already presented is rather wide.
Fourthly, this is a public forum where consumers are also welcome to
contribute their thoughts on these pricings, rather than a non-public
collusion of only one side of the potential transactions.
Finally, why don't we wait until the DOJ actually complains about it, after
they finished breaking up Microsoft :-)  More seriously, I don't think the
DOJ is going to take a dim view of this thread, even if they noticed.

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