"Josh G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Depends on your mailserver. Most mail servers can redirect incoming
> mail to a program, I know sendmail can. In your case just make the first
> line of your script #!/path/to/php/bin/php and that should do the trick.

To actually read from the message piped to the PHP script, you'll need to
use the following to read from STDIN:

fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' );

The above isn't widely documented, but it works.  With all this said, if the
original poster simply wants to let a web-based user know that there is a
new message in the user's email box, a better strategy may be to store all
of the messages in a database like MySQL and compare the timestamp on the
most recent message to the timestamp in a session variable from the previous
page access.  It wasn't clear what the poster was attempting, but with some
more details someone (maybe me) could provide a good solution.  Also, PHP
has functions for accessing IMAP accounts which could prove useful.

> Sorry I don't know how to make sendmail do it, only that you can.

Using sendmail you add an alias to pipe incoming email to a program (your
PHP script).  You may also need to create a symbolic link in a directory
utilized by smrsh (sendmail restricted shell) to allow sendmail to execute
your script (this is done for security reasons).  "man smrsh" for details.

Steve Werby
24-7 Computer Services, LLC
Tel: 804.817.2470

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