Dan Harrington wrote:
> What is the best way to encrypt/decrypt strings when passing between
> php pages?

If your encryption is meant to be anything near secure, there is only 
one way:

GET or POST-Parameters are for user-input. Handing information over to 
the client and taking it back later is a potential security leak. If 
you have no means of revalidating the information after it crossed the 
so called trust boundary, you should't do it.
Send a handler, some random and unique (nothing like 1,2,3 or a,b,c) 
identifier and store the critical information in a session variable or 
somewhere else.

> I am using md5 and currently get strings that produce "unprintable"
> characters
> or characters like slashes or other things that could interfere with
> the passing
> between php pages. (e.g.
> http://server.asdf/action.php?args=encryptedstring )
> e.g.
> 5V"g\7`Qv1Sc]aV&Q4a6#bW>SbU!f_4V1QvPaUe 5Q!c b

Just urlencode() these strings before adding them to the URL.


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