Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to do this right:

I have this text file:

        date 1 | head 1 | text 1
        date 2 | head 2 | text 2
        date 3 | head 3 | text 3

And I want to display in a HTML-page like this:

        date 1
        head 1
        text 1
        date 2
        head 2
        text 2
        date 3
        head 3
        text 3

And I'm trying to do it with follwing code:

39>     while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($contentlines))
40>     {
41>             $message = explode ("|", $line);
43>             while (list ($date, $head, $text) = each($message))
44>             {
45>                     echo "$date, $head, $text<br>";
46>             };
47>     };

But I get this result:

        Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\read_txt_0007.php on
line 43
        0, date 1,
        Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\read_txt_0007.php on
line 43
        1, head 1,
        Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\read_txt_0007.php on
line 43
        2, text 1,
        Warning: Undefined offset: 2 in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\read_txt_0007.php on
line 43
        0, date 2,

Can anyone point me to a solution for this?

Sumarlidi Einar Dadason

SED - Graphic Design

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