> Is it possible to make three textareas on one page (of course it is, but
> read til the end, you`ll get the point) and let the user type into each
> box in a different language with different charsets.
> For example, lets say I want to insert three versions of one text on one
> page (without submitting the page first). In the first box, when i start
> writing, I can write with english char-set, as I move to the second box, I
> can write in russian and in the third box, the charset could already be
> swedish. Is it possible? If it is, how? And then I want to write it all to
> mysql database as well (keeping the correct char-sets).

A really icky hack way would be to use FRAMESET tag and JavaScript...

Each FRAME would be a different language, and the SUBMIT button would use
JavaScript to work its way up to the FRAMESET page, which would then suck in
the data from the FRAME pages to submit...

This would be very, very, very icky, and there *has* to be a better way.

I just dunno what it would be.

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