I am having major problems with cookies, it's been stressing me out for
over 9 hours.
I have a script that can set cookies, and it does that, just fine.
What it doesn't do is READ the cookies off the hard drive when the page is
I have tried everything, messing with the domains, expiration time, setting
it to the root,
using the php setcookie function as well as doing it through http headers.
In each case the
script WILL set the cookie on the computer, but it absolutely REFUSES to
read it back up,
even when called in the same exact scope.
Yes, I've checked the spelling too, and the page is rather complex, with
various nested includes and so forth.
PHP version is 4.0
I use both IE 5.5 and Netscape 6, it does the same thing in both of them.
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated, this has been bugging
the hell out of me.
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