hello gurus, 

this is the first time, trying to solve a problem with this list. I
checked some of the archives, may be not all. So if that has been an
already asked question, please forgive. I also do not know anything
about the common "behaviour" on this list. 

But anyway : here is the problem: 

compiled apache (1.3.14) on a SuSe Linux - Box ..  starts and works with
plain setup. 
installed Oracle 8 client. installed php4.0.4.pl1, tested the thing with
plain php.  Get the correct results off the oracle DataBase.  

With httdp.conf 2 lines are added from the php make/make install : 

LoadModule php_module libexec/libphp4.so


AddModule mod_php4.c 

the httpd server is not coming up does not give any log files. So i
assume httpd is dieing before he can get anywhere. 

any clues , every help appreciated. 

Mit freundlichen Grüßen 

G.Roland Sieger, CIT 

Phone : (49) 89 5110 413 
Fax     : (49) 89 5110 532

Postanschrift : 
Süd-Chemie AG 

Lenbachplatz 6 

80333 München 

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