On Tue, 13 Feb 2001 16:09, Chris Aitken wrote:
> Okay, im a little stumped. I have been asked to use a formula which
> calculates Monthly Repayments on a mortgage loan. The formula I have
> been given is
> M = P * ( J / (1 - (1 + J) ** -N))
> My problem is, the last part. It explains it in english as "then take
> that to the -N (minus N) power"
> My problem is, I have no idea how to put this into a PHP script so that
> it can calculate it out. I have a feeling im falling short at the "to
> the power of" part. I tried to do a 3 to the power of 3 calculation and
> I cant get it to spit out 27 like I know it should.
> Any suggestions ?
> Thanks
> Chris

Check out exp() and pow()

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