My approach towards this problem was to parse the data before inserting 
and before displaying.
Before inserting the data entered by user, do something like 
str_replace($comments, "'","~") and do the same thing for " do a 
different character like | and then insert it into database.
Do the reverse before displaying the data, it should fix your problem..

Tanya Brethour wrote:

> Hi! I was hoping that someone could help me out. I am not positive if I
> understand whats going on.. so let me try to explain.
> This is a process to modify news articles in a MySQL database.
> (From the point after picking the article to modify)
> PHP Script #1:
>   I grab everything from the database and stick it into the HTML form
> (textarea, text, etc). I allow the user to modify whatever they want.
> PHP Script #2:
>  This script takes the new information and displays it to the user.. it is
> a preview of what it will look like with the changes.
> PHP Script #3:
>  Updates the news article in the database.
> Now the problem I am having.. is that the description and content fields
> have qoutes in them. For example:
> Description: I like to run and walk. I love "smelly cheese."
> So.. when it tries to update the database. It will only store this as the
> description:
>       I like to run and walk. I love\\
> I know that its because the qoutes are not being escaped correctly.. and
> it seems as though it is escaping the escape. 
> So my question is.. how can I keep my qoutes?
> Just FYI.. I am making the user enter in the description and content in
> html. So i cant just change the qoutes to HTMLTags because it would change
> my <P> and <a href=> etc.
> Below is an example of the code (shortened for an example):
> PHP Script #1: Editing description
> print'
> </textarea><br>
> Description:<br><textarea name=describe cols=40 rows=10>';
> echo $info["description"];
> print'
> </textarea><br>';
> PHP Script #2: (preview changes)
> <input type=hidden name=describe value="<?php print $describe?>">
> <b>Description:</b><br>
> <?php print $describe?> <p>
> PHP Script #3: (update database)
> $sql = "UPDATE news SET release_date='$date', title='$title',
> description='$describe', contact='$contact', content='$test', type='$type'
> WHERE news_id=$id";
> $result = mysql_query($sql)
> Thanks in advance.
> -Tanya

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