> > hey all,
> >
> > I was wondering how one would suggest removing items from a cart system
> once the session lifetime has expired. I have it set to the default 0,
> which expires the session on browser close, what I want to be able to do is
> "delete * from Cart where session='$PHPSESSID'" when the user closes thier
> browser window is this even possible? maybe using
> register_shutdown_function or something? > > Any ideas would be great! > >
> Thanks > > Joseph

Since HTTP connections are "stateless" their can be no communication 
initiated from the server-side that instructs the browser to tell the server 
that the browser has been closed.  In other words, once an HTTP 
request has been made, the browser and server talk to each other while 
the file(s) is/are transferring and will not talk again until the browser 
asks for more.  Getting any other behavior from an HTTP connection 
would require something to run on the client side (like a javascript).  The 
reason your cookies go away when they have a lifetime of zero is 
because the browser throws them away.  This really doesn't have 
anything to do with the communication between the browser and the 
server (the server didn't see that the browser was closing and delete the 
cookie from your machine for you).

We personally run perl scripts out of cron at 2:00 every morning to clean 
up all tables that need cleaning.  This could be done in pretty much the 
same manner using the PHP language if you run the CGI version of 
PHP.  If you're already using the CGI version of PHP, there isn't any 
disadvantage to using either it or perl scripts to do this clean-up.  If 
you're running the Apache module version of PHP, you'll need to find a 
tool that can be invoked from the command prompt (such as perl) to do 
this for you.

Good luck...

Christopher Ostmo

For a good time,

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