I wouldnt worry about filenames :) just make your own file name, store that
name with cross reference to the real filename in a db.

I allow users to update images to our server, I store them directly in the
db, I also store the mime-type along with the filename. every file has a
unique file_id number, I set this with the time functiuon, spec microtime().



 if (isset($db_file))
  echo "INSERTING <br>\n";
   $db_file = urlencode(fread(fopen($db_file, 'r'), filesize($db_file)));
   $db_file_id = mtime();
  insert_db_value('images', " '$db_file_id', '$db_file', '$db_file_name',
'$db_file_type' ");

 echo "

  <form method=post enctype='multipart/form-data' action='$PHP_SELF'>
 <input type=file name=db_file>
 <input type=submit>



something like this is real simple and works. might not be what your looking
for but could be easily modified.


Chris Lee


ph. 250.377.1095
ph. 250.376.2690
fx. 250.554.1120

""Ashley M. Kirchner"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>     Before I embark on this little project, or just hunt for one already
> written (anyone have suggestions?), when creating an Upload script, how
> does one go about files coming from different platforms?
>     We have a unix FTP server and we'd like to make an Upload function
> on our website, where people can fill in a form with their information,
> select their (local) file to be uploaded and submit it.  However, I'm
> somewhat at a loss when it comes to things like:
>     - how to handle files with spaces in them?
>     - how to handle files created on a Mac platform, that include
>       characters like / , or a Mac-dot (OPTION-8), stuff that wouldn't
>       normally be allowed in a PC formatted file name
>     - how to handle Mac font files.  Whenever we have clients email us
>       individual fonts, it never comes through because of the font
>       control file.  We always get a 0 byte file.  (might this be
>       because our mail server is also unix, and mac files are 7-bit,
>       versus PC/Unix being 8-bit?)
>     I'm sure there are other issues to cope with, but these are the
> immediate ones I can think off.  Does anyone have a relatively robust
> Upload function written, or one you'd recommend using?
>     AMK4
> --
> W |
>   |  I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
>   |____________________________________________________________________
>   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
>   Ashley M. Kirchner <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   .   303.442.6410 x130
>   SysAdmin / Websmith                           .     800.441.3873 x130
>   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.             .        eFax 248.671.0909
>   http://www.pcraft.com                  .         3550 Arapahoe Ave #6
>   .................. .  .  .     .               Boulder, CO 80303, USA
> --
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