
I have used your postgresql session functions in
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php   with few changes.

I have a login.php page that register 3 things
  - the pg_connect string,
  - a login flag to indicate that we already have done the login
  - actual time

In a second php page  I test
 - if login variable is set, if not I redirect to the login page.
 - if time has expired, if affirmative redirect to login page

I  have added a "pg_session_destroy" in your "user functions" to delete
the actual session but when
I reenter in the login page the session_start() re-creates the data I
have just deleted with the same session_id.

I would like to know how to issue a new session without closing the
What did I missed?

- Working with  php 4.0.4

- php.ini contains
    session.auto_start Off
    session.cache_expire 180
    session.cache_limiter nocache
    session.cookie_domain no value
    session.cookie_lifetime 0
    session.cookie_path /
    session.cookie_secure Off
    session.entropy_file no value
    session.entropy_length 0
    session.gc_maxlifetime 60
    session.gc_probability 1
    session.name PHPSESSID
    session.referer_check no value
    session.save_handler user
    session.save_path /tmp
    session.serialize_handler php
    session.use_cookies On

- track_vars and gpc_globals are not enabled


Evelio Martínez

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