I'm not sure what is the original function design of session_destory().
Committing that, my code does not delete currently registered session data
from memory. This result in writing currently registered session write to
session database again unless programmer explicitly unregister them.
If you want to delete session data in memory, you can do that in
pg_session_destory() or anywhere in you can use

session_unset() to unset all session variables.

User session handlers are called in this order.
 session is started explicitly or implicitly
 then pg_session_open() called and data is read using pg_session_read()
 at that time programmer can see session variables. (If programer
 calls my pg_session_destory() it only deletes data in db and
 data is still in memory)
 connection is closed.
 pg_session_write() is called (since session data is in memory, write back
 session database)
 then pg_session_close() is called.

I thought deleting only session data in database would give more freedom
to programmers while working session variables. It might be better to put
session_unset() in pg_session_destory(), if it suppose to.

Yasuo Ohgaki

=== Original Message ===
I have used your postgresql session functions in
http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.session.php   with few changes.
I have a login.php page that register 3 things
  - the pg_connect string,
  - a login flag to indicate that we already have done the login
  - actual time
In a second php page  I test
 - if login variable is set, if not I redirect to the login page.
 - if time has expired, if affirmative redirect to login page
I  have added a "pg_session_destroy" in your "user functions" to delete the
actual session but when
I reenter in the login page the session_start() re-creates the data I have
just deleted with the same session_id.
I would like to know how to issue a new session without closing the browser?
What did I missed?
- Working with  php 4.0.4
- php.ini contains
    session.auto_start Off
    session.cache_expire 180
    session.cache_limiter nocache
    session.cookie_domain no value
    session.cookie_lifetime 0
    session.cookie_path /
    session.cookie_secure Off
    session.entropy_file no value
    session.entropy_length 0
    session.gc_maxlifetime 60
    session.gc_probability 1
    session.name PHPSESSID
    session.referer_check no value
    session.save_handler user
    session.save_path /tmp
    session.serialize_handler php
    session.use_cookies On
- track_vars and gpc_globals are not enabled

Evelio Martínez

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