Guys, I'm former asp guy and a long time Visual FoxPro programer, so I'm
carying some habbits and logic from it.
I'm really glad I switched to php, but some things are confisung me.
One of them are globals. From my understandig, globals are globaly seen
and accessed variables from any script ( when you define global in your
function too ). But in asp, there were couple types or scopes.
Asp got "application" and "session". Application is something like a
virtual directory, and when first time hit, it inicialize itself and
actions like application.on_start fires. You can define your own
application variables, that are "global" for that application. At the
same time it starts a new session, where you can have your own session
vars. All sessions in application can freely access application
variables, which are good for storing connection strings, counter
variables, etc. Session vars are good for login infos, etc.
Now back to php. What I want to know is, if I declare variable global -
is it global for current session or all sessions? I know about
associative arrays, I use it a lot ( i don't want to clutter my scripts
And one thing more. What EXACTLY means php configuration value:
Does it mean, that all variables are default declared as globals, and I
can see and MODIFY them from any session? Or they are global for the
current session?
Please explain somebody this to me.

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