On Friday 23 February 2001 08:50, Dezider Góra wrote:

Disclaimer: I have never touched ASP, so I'm likely to have gotten 
somethings wrong..

> function too ). But in asp, there were couple types or scopes.
> Asp got "application" and "session". Application is something like a
> virtual directory, and when first time hit, it inicialize itself and
> actions like application.on_start fires. You can define your own
> application variables, that are "global" for that application. At the
> same time it starts a new session, where you can have your own session
> vars. All sessions in application can freely access application
> variables, which are good for storing connection strings, counter
> variables, etc. Session vars are good for login infos, etc.
> Now back to php. What I want to know is, if I declare variable global -
> is it global for current session or all sessions? I know about

It is global for the current invocation of the script (and all code 
included from it). To make variables global between all 
invocations/scripts in a given session, you need to use the session 
management functions of PHP4. Look at the manual and search 
phpbuilder.com for some intro on that.

> And one thing more. What EXACTLY means php configuration value:
> register_global?

If set to "on", PHP automatically generates global vars from values 
passed via GET/POST requests and cookies. Example: calling

will call test.php with a global variable $answer set to "42"

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://sunsite.dk/lgdc/)

Nothing is more dangerous than an idea if it's the only one you have.

- Emil-Auguste Chartier, "Propos sur la religion", 1938

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