some comments on sessions

- $PHPSESSID will only be set after the first page refresh.
- SID will only be set if your not using cookies.
- sessions with not transfer across multiple domain names.
- sessions without cookies will not transfer accross full urls.


    if (isset($PHPSESSID))

    $PHPSESSID = session_id();


use this code and

- sessions will transfer across full urls when using $SID
- sessions will transer across multiple domain names on the same server
using $SID
- both $PHPSESSID and $SID are set allways set.

remember that header redirects *require* full urls so you will have to use

    header("Location: http://$SERVER_NAME/index.php?$SID");


 Chris Lee

 ph. 250.377.1095
 ph. 250.376.2690
 fx. 250.554.1120


""Jon Rosenberg"" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
001301c09dc9$fc471c80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]">news:001301c09dc9$fc471c80$[EMAIL PROTECTED]...
> I have a form that submits to abc.php which then calls db.php and db.php
> then redirects to a new URL.  I have session_start(); on all these files
> I'm registering the variables I need.  It seems that the session dies or
> gets lost on it's way through all the included files.  I then tried to
> the SID in the URL that the db.php file creates, but the SID is empty once
> it gets here...though, there is a SID befoer then.  Can sessions not be
> with multple include files?  What could I be doing wrong?  This is my
> forray into gentle!
> thanks!
> Some code below, it's prettry straight forward.  I still have cookies
> enabled, as well.  Do I need to disable cookies for the SID in URL method
> work?
> index.php where they log in from
> <?
> session_start();  //first line of file
> ?>
> <form method="POST" action="main.php">
> <input type="hidden" value="lrlogin" name="form_action">
> Username&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="text" name="username" class="color"><br
> Password&nbsp;&nbsp;<input class="color" type="password"
> />
> <input type="reset">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="submit" value="Login">
> code from main.php
> <?
> session_register();
> require ("db.php");
> if $form_action == "lrlogin"
> {
> get_user($username,$password);
> }
> ?>
> code from db.php
> <?
> session_start();
> SQL to select user info from db
> $access = $row[access_level]; //etc getting vars from db
> session_register("username");
> session_register("password");
> session_register("access");
> session_register("active");
> header("Location:".SID);
> exit;
> ?>
> index2.php code
> <?
> session_start();
> print "Welcome $username";
> ?>
> it only prints Welcome username :(
> --
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