php-general Digest 25 Feb 2001 04:49:28 -0000 Issue 532

Topics (messages 41497 through 41541):

Re: Class methods in PHP
        41497 by: Christian Reiniger
        41501 by: Kevin Beckford
        41505 by: Aaron Tuller

Re: isset()
        41498 by: Christian Reiniger

Re: DIsplaying page before script finnished
        41499 by: James Moore
        41500 by: Fredrik Wahlberg

Re: Binding A Socket
        41502 by: Kyndig

Help with mass import to MySQL using PHP
        41503 by: Clayton Dukes
        41504 by: richard merit
        41507 by: Clayton Dukes
        41508 by: Clayton Dukes

parsing multiple xml documents
        41506 by: Daniel Convissor

function mail
        41509 by: Augusto Cesar Castoldi

file handle error? or something else?
        41510 by: rick - SomersNet, Inc.
        41511 by: CC Zona

Please help - File Uploads, 2nd try
        41512 by: Ed Lazor
        41516 by: Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios
        41526 by: Ed Lazor
        41527 by: Koncz Ádám
        41528 by: Koncz Ádám

C vs PHP
        41513 by: Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios
        41518 by: James Moore
        41524 by: Michael Kimsal

CLOB update difficulties
        41514 by: Chris Murtland

searching Oracle 8i CLOB columns
        41515 by: Chris Murtland

Re: Using while as for...
        41517 by: Steve Edberg

Inserting user name and password into mysql...
        41519 by: Felipe Lopes

Cookie References?
        41520 by: Jeff Oien
        41523 by:

Re: $result = $$function
        41521 by: Simon Garner

Re: checking $more still does not work !
        41522 by: Simon Garner

persistant user tracking
        41525 by: Mitchell Hagerty

Re: Database Paging using MSSQL 2000
        41529 by: Manuel Lemos

Re: <select name=....
        41530 by: Kath

comparing numbers
        41531 by: Clayton Dukes
        41532 by: Joe Stump
        41533 by: David Harrison
        41535 by: Clayton Dukes

PHP4 install question
        41534 by: Ed Lazor

compiling in imap probs
        41536 by: Mitchell Hagerty

Detecting if JavaScript is enabled
        41537 by: Jochen Kächelin

generate  e.g. circles on the fly with coordinates for postioning
        41538 by: Helmut Ott
        41540 by: Joe Conway

Detecting JavaScript
        41539 by: Jochen Kächelin

Temporarily turning off magic quotes?
        41541 by: Ben Cheng


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On Saturday 24 February 2001 17:05, Kevin Beckford wrote:
> Is there class methods in php?

Well, there are classes, classes can have methods, there are methods to 
handle classes, methods to inspect methods, methods to inspect classes 
and propably more.

I have no idea what you mean with your question, but I hope that some 
part of the above answers it...

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
 -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972

Well I meant class functions that do not need an object to be declared...
but don't worry about it - I found out. There are none in php.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Reiniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Class methods in PHP

: On Saturday 24 February 2001 17:05, Kevin Beckford wrote:
: > Is there class methods in php?
: Well, there are classes, classes can have methods, there are methods to
: handle classes, methods to inspect methods, methods to inspect classes
: and propably more.
: I have no idea what you mean with your question, but I hope that some
: part of the above answers it...
: --
: Christian Reiniger
: LGDC Webmaster (
: "The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
:  -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972
: --
: PHP General Mailing List (
: To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
: To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

that's not true.

you can call a static method with the "::" notation.

like ClassName::method();

there's doesn't need to be an instance to do that.

not sure if that's true for all of PHP4 or just 4.04 or whatnot.


At 11:56 AM -0500 2/24/01, Kevin Beckford wrote:
>Well I meant class functions that do not need an object to be declared...
>but don't worry about it - I found out. There are none in php.
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Christian Reiniger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 11:49 AM
>Subject: Re: [PHP] Class methods in PHP
>: On Saturday 24 February 2001 17:05, Kevin Beckford wrote:
>: > Is there class methods in php?
>: Well, there are classes, classes can have methods, there are methods to
>: handle classes, methods to inspect methods, methods to inspect classes
>: and propably more.
>: I have no idea what you mean with your question, but I hope that some
>: part of the above answers it...
>: --
>: Christian Reiniger
>: LGDC Webmaster (
>: "The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
>:  -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972
>: --
>: PHP General Mailing List (
>: To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>: For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>: To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>PHP General Mailing List (
>To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On Saturday 24 February 2001 17:18, wrote:
> in my preceding email I've written:
> if($var!='')
> will fix your all your worries without an intervention of a strings
> function.

Except that it will throw a warning in PHP4 if $var is not set.
=> isset () should be used.

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (

"The number of Unix installations has grown to 10, with more expected."
 -- The Unix Programmer's Manual, 2nd Edition, June 1972

> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Tandberg-Johansen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: 24 February 2001 16:34
> Subject: [PHP] DIsplaying page before script finnished
> Hello!
> I wonder if there are any way to display the page before the script is
> finished?
> I have a loop in my script,and I want to display the resoult for
> each loop.

If you have output buffering on then you need to flish the buffer (see the
manual) otherwise it should happen automatically.


I think if you use flush() you can send it continually. Rembember to end
every line or the browser will not understand that it shall show it.
Tables can also give you problems, they do not show until they are closed.


On Sat, 24 Feb 2001, David Tandberg-Johansen wrote:

> Hello!
> I wonder if there are any way to display the page before the script is
> finished?
> I have a loop in my script,and I want to display the resoult for each loop.

------------- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -------------
Fredrik Wahlberg
Kristinehovsgatan 12  Home: +46-8-642 35 23
S-117 29 Stockholm    Work: +46-8-54 54 56 12
Sweden                Mobile: +46-70-576 16 51

I posted this message, but it never went through:

Not sunny on this end, abit drab today,

I'm workin up a socket bind for a MUD game. Heh, why not, nothin
ta do wright now. I've taken the main socket() call off of
page as an example to bind a port. The script functions, but
when I telnet to the binded port...I get nothing. Any help?


function init_socket( $port )
   /* Allow the script to hang around waiting for connections. */ 
   set_time_limit (0); 

   $address = '';

  if (($sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) 
      echo "socket() failed: reason: " . strerror ($sock) . "\n"; 

  if (($ret = bind ($sock, $address, $port)) < 0) 
               echo "bind() failed: reason: " . strerror ($ret) . "\n"; 

  if (($ret = listen ($sock, 5)) < 0) 
               echo "listen() failed: reason: " . strerror ($ret) . "\n"; 

                 if (($msgsock = accept_connect($sock)) < 0) 
                        echo "accept_connect() failed: reason: " . strerror ($msgsock) 
. "\n"; 
                                $buf = ''; 
                                $ret = read ($msgsock, $buf, 2048); 
                                if ($ret < 0) { 
                                echo "read() failed: reason: " . strerror ($ret) . 
                                break 2; 
                                if ($ret == 0) { 
                                break 2; 
                                $buf = trim ($buf); 
                                if ($buf == 'quit') { 
                                close ($msgsock); 
                                break 2; 
                                $talkback = "PHP: You said '$buf'.\n"; 
                                write ($msgsock, $talkback, strlen ($talkback)); 
                                echo "$buf\n"; 
                                } while (true); 
                                close ($msgsock); 
                                } while (true); 

    $port = "6969";
    $control = init_socket( $port );
    printf("Game is up and runnin on %d.", $port );
    close ($control);
    exit( 0 );

Kind Regards,
Online Text Game Resource Site:
ICQ#    10451240

Kind Regards,
Online Text Game Resource Site:
ICQ#    10451240

Kind Regards,
Online Text Game Resource Site:
ICQ#    10451240

Hi everyone,
I'm working on converting my site to PHP/MySql.
I need to figure out a way to import several thousand text files into the database while applying certain PHP functions to them.
From now on, when a user submits a new document, it gets a random docid assigned to it using the following method:

          $time = time();
      $rand = Random_Password(5);
          $docid = $time . $rand;
Random_Password is defined as:
function Random_Password($length) {
        $possible_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
        $string = "";
        while(strlen($string)<$length) {
                $string .=
After they fill in a form and paste thier document, the following fields are submitted to the database:
$query = "INSERT INTO documents VALUES ('$docid', '$category', '$subcategory', '$date', '$subject', '$title', '$author', '$email', '$language', '$grade', '$level', '$city', '$state', '$county', '$school', '$zip', '$authors_comments', '$teachers_comments', 'N', '$docdata')";
Now, the million dollar question is:
how do I import the several thousand text documents I already have while applying this formulae, aside from manually submitting each one ;-)?
Here's an example of one of the text documents:
Currently, all text documents have exactly the same format:
The only thing that changes are the fields after the colon and the body itself.
I realize that the current text files do not have all of the information for the new database such as $subcategory, I'm going to have to grandfather the old text files in somehow.
Also, there are certain fields that are enums in the database, so I need to make sure that each field conforms to that, eg; one of the subject fields in the database only allows for "Computers and Internet" not Computer, so I need to rewrite that string before placing it in the database. I also need to change $grade from any alpha strings to a percentile grade, eg: [b-B]=92 (see database format below).
Document ID        : 100
Subject            : Computer
Title              : internet beyond human control
Author             :
Email Address      :
Language           : english
Grade              : b
School System      : ohio state university
Country            : USA
Author's Comments  : tom dodd
Teacher's Comments : well done
Date               : 5/96

The Internet Beyond Human Control
The Internet has started to change the way of the world during this decade.  More homes,
companies, and schools are getting hooked online with the Internet during the past few years.
This  change has started to become the new way of life present and future. The Internet system is
And here's the database format:
  id bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
  docid varchar(20),
  category enum('Language Arts','Sciences','Humanities','Arts','Special Subjects','Other'),
  subcategory enum('Physics','Biology','Chemistry','Math','Computers and Internet','History','Economics','Geography','Law','Religion','Philosophy','Black Awareness','Countries','Drugs','Education','Environmental Awareness','Politics','Health','Sex and Sexuality','Female Awareness','Art','Movies or TV','Music','Sports','Charles Dickens','Shakespeare','Biography','Fictional Stories','Astronomy','Mythology'),
  date varchar(10),
  subject varchar(200),
  title varchar(200),
  author varchar(200),
  email varchar(50),
  language enum('English','Danish','Dutch','Finnish','German','Spanish'),
  grade int(3),
  level enum('High School','College','Other'),
  city varchar(15),
  state varchar(15),
  county varchar(15),
  school varchar(45),
  zip smallint(5),
  authorcomments varchar(200),
  teachercomments varchar(200),
  approve enum('Y','N'),
  docdata text,
  UNIQUE id (id)
I realize that this is a lot, but from what I have read since being subscribed to this e-mail list, you guys have talents that are far above and beyond the scope of this. Thank you so much for your help (and wisdom!).
Clayton Dukes
Internetwork Solutions Engineer
Internetwork Management Engineer

No answer, but a question.  I noticed you're using, in
effect, two id's for each entry, a id number and a doc
id number.  The first is accomplished thru
auto-increment.  Wouldn't it be easier to us just one
id number, a=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+b) and reserve the
first 10k numbers (b), whatever is needed for your old
files then run a php code to format your old entries
and increment those 1 - 100000....and forget about
random numbers.  If I'm not mistaken, if you generate
random numbers you'll have to check, to be on the safe
side, to make sure the random number wasn't used for
someother doc. 

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

1. Local Server
2. Either one, I'm trying to learn PHP
3. Yes, this is just a project for which I am not making any money, but I can pay 
someone in respect and admiration ;-)

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Todd Pillars 
  To: Clayton Dukes 
  Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 2:25 PM
  Subject: RE: [PHP] Help with mass import to MySQL using PHP

   couple of questions:
     1.are you doing this on a local server or a server on the internet?
     2.are you looking for a direction to do this yourself or for someone to write the 
     3.are you looking for free advice?...I am all for free source, but this is going 
to take some time and energy.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Clayton Dukes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
    Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:38 PM
    Subject: [PHP] Help with mass import to MySQL using PHP

    Hi everyone,

    I'm working on converting my site to PHP/MySql.

    I need to figure out a way to import several thousand text files into the database 
while applying certain PHP functions to them.

    From now on, when a user submits a new document, it gets a random docid assigned 
to it using the following method:

              $time = time();
          $rand = Random_Password(5);
              $docid = $time . $rand;

    Random_Password is defined as:

    function Random_Password($length) {
            $possible_characters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
            $string = "";
            while(strlen($string)<$length) {
                    $string .=

    After they fill in a form and paste thier document, the following fields are 
submitted to the database:

    $query = "INSERT INTO documents VALUES ('$docid', '$category', '$subcategory', 
'$date', '$subject', '$title', '$author', '$email', '$language', '$grade', '$level', 
'$city', '$state', '$county', '$school', '$zip', '$authors_comments', 
'$teachers_comments', 'N', '$docdata')";

    Now, the million dollar question is:
    how do I import the several thousand text documents I already have while applying 
this formulae, aside from manually submitting each one ;-)?

    Here's an example of one of the text documents:
    Currently, all text documents have exactly the same format:
    The only thing that changes are the fields after the colon and the body itself.
    I realize that the current text files do not have all of the information for the 
new database such as $subcategory, I'm going to have to grandfather the old text files 
in somehow.
    Also, there are certain fields that are enums in the database, so I need to make 
sure that each field conforms to that, eg; one of the subject fields in the database 
only allows for "Computers and Internet" not Computer, so I need to rewrite that 
string before placing it in the database. I also need to change $grade from any alpha 
strings to a percentile grade, eg: [b-B]=92 (see database format below).

    Document ID        : 100
    Subject            : Computer
    Title              : internet beyond human control
    Author             :
    Email Address      :
    Language           : english
    Grade              : b
    School System      : ohio state university
    Country            : USA
    Author's Comments  : tom dodd
    Teacher's Comments : well done
    Date               : 5/96

    The Internet Beyond Human Control
    The Internet has started to change the way of the world during this decade.  More 
    companies, and schools are getting hooked online with the Internet during the past 
few years.
    This  change has started to become the new way of life present and future. The 
Internet system is

    And here's the database format:
    CREATE TABLE dox (
      id bigint(20) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL auto_increment,
      docid varchar(20),
      category enum('Language Arts','Sciences','Humanities','Arts','Special 
      subcategory enum('Physics','Biology','Chemistry','Math','Computers and 
Awareness','Politics','Health','Sex and Sexuality','Female Awareness','Art','Movies or 
TV','Music','Sports','Charles Dickens','Shakespeare','Biography','Fictional 
      date varchar(10),
      subject varchar(200),
      title varchar(200),
      author varchar(200),
      email varchar(50),
      language enum('English','Danish','Dutch','Finnish','German','Spanish'),
      grade int(3),
      level enum('High School','College','Other'),
      city varchar(15),
      state varchar(15),
      county varchar(15),
      school varchar(45),
      zip smallint(5),
      authorcomments varchar(200),
      teachercomments varchar(200),
      approve enum('Y','N'),
      docdata text,
      PRIMARY KEY (id),
      UNIQUE id (id)

    I realize that this is a lot, but from what I have read since being subscribed to 
this e-mail list, you guys have talents that are far above and beyond the scope of 
this. Thank you so much for your help (and wisdom!).

    Clayton Dukes
    Internetwork Solutions Engineer
    Internetwork Management Engineer

the first field, ID, is just for keeping a standard sequence and isn't
called from any web pages. The second ($docid) is a random field which is
called from a web page, which makes it harder (if not impossible) to
guess/hack. This makes it a bit more secure.

A note about the old docid #'s, my intention is to replace the old $docid
with one in the new format. And, since the random docid is based (partly) on
the time at which it was generated, there's not much chance of it being

----- Original Message -----
From: "richard merit" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 2:30 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Help with mass import to MySQL using PHP

> No answer, but a question.  I noticed you're using, in
> effect, two id's for each entry, a id number and a doc
> id number.  The first is accomplished thru
> auto-increment.  Wouldn't it be easier to us just one
> id number, a=LAST_INSERT_ID(id+b) and reserve the
> first 10k numbers (b), whatever is needed for your old
> files then run a php code to format your old entries
> and increment those 1 - 100000....and forget about
> random numbers.  If I'm not mistaken, if you generate
> random numbers you'll have to check, to be on the safe
> side, to make sure the random number wasn't used for
> someother doc.
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Folks:

I just wrote a basic XML parser using the parse_xml() function set.  Does
what I want on the first document.  But, if I try to run a second document
through, it chokes saying "junk after document element."

All of the files are valid and parse okay if I just send one file through. 
Also, the program runs fine if I redeclare the parser before parsing each
file.  While this works, having to redeclare the parser each time seems far
from efficient.

So, is there a better way to handle this, please?

Sample code is below if you're interested.




# Declare Parser Once.
# Only works for first file.

# NOTE: 'StartHandler', 'EndHandler' and 'CharacterHandler'
# functions left out for clarity.

$Parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
xml_set_element_handler($Parser, 'StartHandler', 'EndHandler');
xml_set_character_data_handler($Parser, 'CharacterHandler');

$DirHandle = opendir("./StartTest");
while ( $FileName = readdir($DirHandle) ) {
   if ( ereg("^file.[0-9]{5}$", "$FileName") ) {
      $Contents = implode( '', file("./StartTest/$FileName") );

      if ( xml_parse($Parser, $Contents) ) {
         echo "\n<br />Yipee!";
      } else {
         echo "\n<br />UGH! ";
         echo xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($Parser));



# Declare Parser before parsing each file.
# Works fine, but seems inefficient.

# NOTE: 'StartHandler', 'EndHandler' and 'CharacterHandler'
# functions left out for clarity.

$DirHandle = opendir("./StartTest");
while ( $FileName = readdir($DirHandle) ) {
   if ( ereg("^file.[0-9]{5}$", "$FileName") ) {
      $Contents = implode( '', file("./StartTest/$FileName") );

      $Parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');
      xml_set_element_handler($Parser, 'StartHandler', 'EndHandler');
      xml_set_character_data_handler($Parser, 'CharacterHandler');

      if ( xml_parse($Parser, $Contents) ) {
         echo "\n<br />Yipee!";
      } else {
         echo "\n<br />UGH! ";
         echo xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($Parser));


                PHP scripts that make your job easier
         SQL Solution  |  Layout Solution  |  Form Solution
 T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
 4015 7 Ave, Brooklyn NY 11232    v: 718-854-0335    f: 718-854-0409

$sent=mail("[EMAIL PROTECTED]", $subject, $msg, $from);

if $sent==1 --> the e-mail was sent

if $sent==0 --> problem when sending e-mail??

how this works? When the function mail will have a problem?

if the "to" mail are wrong?


Augusto Cesar Castoldi

Hello All...

I wanted to write a program that would search google for specific
keywords from my database, and report to me if it found my domain, and
if so what page it was on.

Well it works, and it's very cool I might add, but then it fails...  
:(   But it doesn't fail right away.. I have had it fail as fast as 5
mins into exec, and as long as 1 1/2 hours into exec... and when it does
fail, it spits out 1 error over, and over, and over, just as fast as it
can (i think it gets stuck in the "for").. and the error says something
about "invalid file handle resource"...

I am testing it with 4 domains, and 90 keywords, and only having it
search the first 50 pages.. It takes a domain from mysql and then gets
the list of keywords to check. It then calls google and checks each
keyword page for the key domain.

Below is a copy of my code as it stands right now. I don't expect anyone
to have a quick answer to this problem, but I am hopeful that someone
might see something in the code that could be done better..
hopefuly....   :)

BTW.. I am running FreeBSD/3.4 and PHP/4.0.2


# Google (Search Engine) Rating Tracking System
# Track domain and keyword page ranks. Analyze data and report
# stats and history.
# Multi domain and keyword friendly.



$connect = mysql_connect("hostname","user","pass");

# get domain list
$domains=@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Domains");
while ($row  =  mysql_fetch_row($domains)) {

# get keyword list
$keywords=@mysql_query("SELECT * FROM Keywords");
while ($roz  =  mysql_fetch_row($keywords)) {


# search first 50 pages for keyword
for ($i = 0;;$i = $i + 10) {
    if ($i > 500) {

     $agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows 98)';
     $filename = "/search?$mydata";
     $sp=fsockopen($host,80) or brake;
     socket_set_timeout($sp, 600) or brake;
     fputs($sp,"GET $filename HTTP/1.1\n") or brake;
     fputs($sp,"Host: $host\n");
     fputs($sp,"User-Agent: $agent\n");
     fputs($sp,"Connection: close\n\n");
      while(!feof($sp)) {
         $output .= fgets($sp,128);

     } else{


if($found == "1"){
$page = $i / 10;
print "$domain / $keyword - page $page <BR>\n";
} else{
$page = "50";
print "$domain / $keyword - page $page+ <BR>\n";}


# add to database
mysql_query("INSERT INTO Stats

# end keywords
print "<BR>\n<BR>\n";
# end domains



Thanks for your time and help, I really appreciate it... I am hope it's
just something simple...  :) 

Thanks Allot,


In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ("rick - SomersNet, Inc.") wrote:

>      $sp=fsockopen($host,80) or brake;
>      socket_set_timeout($sp, 600) or brake;
>      fputs($sp,"GET $filename HTTP/1.1\n") or brake;

Hmm.  What's that 'or brake' stuff?  'brake' is used as a constant, but you 
don't show what it's defined as.  I assume what you're going for is an 'or 
die()' function call...?


I upgraded my web server and now file uploads don't work.  A test script is 
listed below.  It puts the file on the server, but the file has

Content-Type: image/pjpeg^M

pre-pended to it, thus breaking the file.  Do you know why it's doing this 
and how to fix it?



global $REQUEST_URI;

if (empty($HTTP_POST_VARS))
        # Display form          
        <h3>File Upload Test</h3>
        <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="<?php echo 
        <input type="hidden" name="max_file_size" value="35000000">

        <table border="0" callpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                        <td align=right width=125>
                                <font size=2 face="Verdana, Arial"><b>
                                Upload: &nbsp;
                                <input type="file" name="uploadedfile" size="39">
                        <td colspan="2" align=right>
                                <input type="submit" value="UPLOAD">

        # process form
        global $uploadedfile_name;
        global $uploadedfile;
                # replacing spaces with the _ symbol
                $Filename = ereg_replace(" ", "_", $uploadedfile_name);

                # move the uploaded file to the archive
                # I put <path to files> here for display purposes only
                $Location = "<path to files>/htdocs/attachments/test/" . $Filename;
                #copy($uploadedfile, $Location);

                move_uploaded_file($uploadedfile, $Location);

                print "File upload processed.<br><br><br>";
                print "<a href='/attachments/test/$Filename'>Link to file</a><br>";

Ed Lazor wrote:
> I upgraded my web server and now file uploads don't work.  A test script is
> listed below.  It puts the file on the server, but the file has
> Content-Type: image/pjpeg^M
> ^M
> pre-pended to it, thus breaking the file.  Do you know why it's doing this
> and how to fix it?

This happens because you are dealing with DOS text in a unix
You can use dos2unix utility in order to correct this problem. Remenber,
always transfer text files unix->dos->unix using ascii mode.

At 06:44 PM 2/24/2001 +0000, Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:
>Ed Lazor wrote:
> >
> > I upgraded my web server and now file uploads don't work.  A test script is
> > listed below.  It puts the file on the server, but the file has
> >
> > Content-Type: image/pjpeg^M
> > ^M
> >
> > pre-pended to it, thus breaking the file.  Do you know why it's doing this
> > and how to fix it?
> >
>This happens because you are dealing with DOS text in a unix
>You can use dos2unix utility in order to correct this problem. Remenber,
>always transfer text files unix->dos->unix using ascii mode.

I don't understand.  It's appending Content-Type to all of the files.  I 
tested a few other files like tgz files and it put a content type in them 
as well.  Since the files are being uploaded in a browser form, shouldn't 
the unix / dos issue be eliminated?


As Ed Lazor wrote:

> I upgraded my web server and now file uploads don't work.  A test script
> listed below.  It puts the file on the server, but the file has
> Content-Type: image/pjpeg^M
> ^M
> pre-pended to it, thus breaking the file.  Do you know why it's doing this
> and how to fix it?

That's a php 4.0.4pl1 BUG.

To find a _possible_ patch visit:

AND use trim() to remove unwanted linebreaks (appear in the front of the
var. values)!

Sorry, wrong link was added in my prev mail.

> To find a _possible_ patch visit:

Hi folks!

I am a used C programmer and now my company decide to switch every non
performance critical web stuf to php. Since i am just a php beginner i
have some questions i could not find anywhere!

As you may know, C does not provide any kind of support for garbage
collection, every thing you want to be done you have to tell (in C) by
yourself. But in PHP i have no ideia about how it manages memory. for

In C:

str = (char *) malloc(10u);

if i decide to alloc new memory for str (just for explanation purposes),
and i do:

str = (char *) malloc(33u);

i would be in trouble, cause the reference for the previous allocated
pool of memory would be lost.
The approach could be to save the previous references or use realloc.

Now, my doubt: How PHP deals with this:

$query = "select * from apm where id=3";

/* do my processing */

/* and set query to a new string */

$query = "Query done without errors";

What will happen with the previous allocated memory for $query?
I don't like my application eating memory without releasing it after
they are no need any more.

May some one explain how to prevent such scenarios ?

Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.

best regrads.

Gustavo Rios

> As you may know, C does not provide any kind of support for garbage
> collection, every thing you want to be done you have to tell (in C) by
> yourself. But in PHP i have no ideia about how it manages memory. for
> instance:

You dont need to worry about mem mangement as PHP does it all for you.


are articles that go into a bit more depth on this topic.  Maybe not
as detailed as you'd like, but they explain a bit more about
how/why "PHP does it for you" is a valid reply to your question.

Gustavo Vieira Goncalves Coelho Rios wrote:

> Hi folks!
> I am a used C programmer and now my company decide to switch every non
> performance critical web stuf to php. Since i am just a php beginner i
> have some questions i could not find anywhere!
> As you may know, C does not provide any kind of support for garbage
> collection, every thing you want to be done you have to tell (in C) by
> yourself. But in PHP i have no ideia about how it manages memory. for
> instance:
> In C:
> str = (char *) malloc(10u);
> if i decide to alloc new memory for str (just for explanation purposes),
> and i do:
> str = (char *) malloc(33u);
> i would be in trouble, cause the reference for the previous allocated
> pool of memory would be lost.
> The approach could be to save the previous references or use realloc.
> Now, my doubt: How PHP deals with this:
> $query = "select * from apm where id=3";
> /* do my processing */
> /* and set query to a new string */
> $query = "Query done without errors";
> What will happen with the previous allocated memory for $query?
> I don't like my application eating memory without releasing it after
> they are no need any more.
> May some one explain how to prevent such scenarios ?
> Thanks a lot for your time and cooperation.
> best regrads.
> Gustavo Rios
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I am trying to update an Oracle 8i CLOB field. I have looked at previous
messages on the list and am trying the following:

        $sql="update murtland.articles set
hh24:mi:ss'),mod_userid=$userid where articleid=$articleid";
        //echo $sql;
        $bodytext = OCINewDescriptor($conn, OCI_D_LOB);
        OCIExecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT);

However, this gives me the error: invalid LOB locator specified.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Chris Murtland
Studio Moxie, LLC
800.707.2367 fax/voicemail

Does anyone have any example code for searching Oracle 8i CLOB fields? Do I
have to create a stored procedure to be able to do this?

I want to be able to search a separate varchar column in addition to
searching the CLOB column.


Chris Murtland
Studio Moxie, LLC
800.707.2367 fax/voicemail

At 12:44 PM -0800 2/24/01, Felipe Lopes wrote:
>I was trying to code the following script using while instead of for,
>but I'm havig a lot of problems...Is it possible to do what I want?
>for ($count = 0; $count <= 10; $count++){
>echo "Number is $count <BR>\n";
>Could anyone tell me how is it with while instead of for??
>Thank you!!

        $count = 0;
        while ($count <= 10) {
        echo "Number is $count <BR>\n";

I think - if you're feeling obscure - that

        $count = 0;
        (($count <= 10) && print 'Number is '.$count++." <br>\n")

will work too. As will - using alternate while syntax -

        $count = 0;
        while ($count <= 10):
        echo 'Number is '.$count++." <br>\n";


for more info.


>Felipe Lopes
>MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
>Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

+--- "They've got a cherry pie there, that'll kill ya" ------------------+
| Steve Edberg                           University of California, Davis |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                               Computer Consultant |
|         |
+-------------------------------------- FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper ---+

Here I am again...I have a problem to insert user name, password and 
host into mysql...I'd like to know what commands I need to do that 
(since the command to start mysql on my computer) so that way I won't be 
able to do anything wrong!
Thank you

Felipe Lopes
MailBR - O e-mail do Brasil --
Faça já o seu. É gratuito!!!

Could you give me some URLs for tutorials related
to cookies and good reference material? 

One question I have is can a cookie never expire?
Jeff Oien

Addressed to: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

** Reply to note from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sat, 24 Feb 2001 16:42:09 -0600
> Could you give me some URLs for tutorials related
> to cookies and good reference material?

Not directly, but there are a number of tutorial links at:

> One question I have is can a cookie never expire?

No, but a cookie that expires in ten years is almost as good.  I bet no
one will have the same cookie file long enough for that to expire.

Rick Widmer
Internet Marketing Specialists

From: "Peter Van Dijck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi,
> I'd like to do:
> $function = "build_result()";
> $result = $$function;
> but it doesn't seem to work.


    $function = "build_result";
    $result = $function();


Simon Garner

From: "Web Admin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Kaab,
> There must be another problem, it should work. Maybe it helps if
> you send your code here. To see how a simple script works, try
> this tiny script named test.php:
> <form action=test.php>
> <input type=submit name=more>
> </form>
> <?php
>  if ($more) {print "<p>Submit is pressed</p>"; };
> ?>
> If you first load the php page, you don't see anything rather than a 
> submit button. If you press submit, you will see a message.
> Ahmad Anvari

I think you need a value for the submit button:

<input type="submit" name="more" value="Click for more">


Simon Garner

What are some methods for persistant user tracking?

I need to limit the number of times a person can  search for certain material without 
forcing them to create a login.

Currently I am using cookies to limit the number of searches a person can do  but, 
quiting and removing the cookie 
file easily defeats that.  Storing their IP address locally would work but then not 
everyone has a static ip. Would 
grabbing the MAC from their ethernet card be doable? Again alot of people use modems. 

Any thoughts or resources you know of?

Hello Ankur,

On 21-Feb-01 06:09:04, you wrote:

>I am implementing a database application using PHP4 and MSSQL2000. I have a
>database table which has a large no. of tuples. I want to display the data in
>the form of pages with Prev Next buttons.

>I wanted to know if there is some syntax in the MSSQL Select statement which
>can allow me to limit the no. of records being returned. I am lookin at
>functionality which is similar to LIMIT in Mysql.

>for ex, LIMIT 10,10  in MYSQL returns to me a maximum of 10 records starting
>from the 10th record in the returned recordset.

>is there any similar functionality available in MSSQL.

You need to use server side cursors.  You may want to look how that is done
in Metabase, a PHP database independent package that has a function
MetabaseSetSelectedRowRange($database,$first,$limit) that may be used
before executing a query and it works like if you are using the
LIMIT $first,$limit query of MySQL.

You may want get Metabase for free here:

You may also want to look into this Query result table display class that
uses this Metabase feature to display query results split in pages:

Manuel Lemos

Web Programming Components using PHP Classes.
PGP key:

Don't forget to close the </SELECT>.  Netscape doesn't like it without that

- Kath

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 1:16 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] <select name=....

> No it will give you the same value twice...
> you need a loop
> <SELECT NAME="state" SIZE="1">
> looping the rows .,...{
>    echo "<OPTION
> ";
> }
> Sincerely,
>  Maxim Maletsky
>  Founder, Chief Developer
> (Where PHP Begins)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Houchin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, February 23, 2001 1:17 PM
> Subject: [PHP] <select name=....
> if i have a form with a select box in it how an i get the values to echo a
> php value ...
> ie
> <SELECT NAME="state" SIZE="1">
> can i change it to say
> <SELECT NAME="state" SIZE="1">
> <OPTION VALUE="<? echo $state ?>">ACT</OPTION>
> <OPTION VALUE="<?echo $state ?>">VIC</OPTION>
> so that when the page loads it shows which ever option is in the Data
> Peter Houchin
> Sun Rentals
> --
> PHP General Mailing List (
> To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> For additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> To contact the list administrators, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

How can I do something like the following shell script, in PHP? (I know this won't 
work normally, but you get the idea).

if [ $id <= 59 ]; then

Clayton Dukes

just replace the [] with ()

if($id <= 59)
  $id = 81;


On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 09:54:08PM -0500, Clayton Dukes wrote:
> How can I do something like the following shell script, in PHP? (I know this won't 
>work normally, but you get the idea).
> if [ $id <= 59 ]; then
> $id=81
> TIA!
> Clayton Dukes


Joe Stump, PHP Hacker, [EMAIL PROTECTED]                                 -o)                                 /\\
"It's not enough to succeed. Everyone else must fail" -- Larry Ellison     _\_V

Do you mean something like: 


if ($id <= 59)
  $id = 81;



-----Original Message-----
From: Clayton Dukes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Sunday, February 25, 2001 12:54 PM
Subject: [PHP] comparing numbers

How can I do something like the following shell script, in PHP? (I know this
won't work normally, but you get the idea).

if [ $id <= 59 ]; then

Clayton Dukes

Ahh, cool, thanks :-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Joe Stump" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Clayton Dukes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 24, 2001 10:03 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] comparing numbers

> just replace the [] with ()
> if($id <= 59)
> {
>   $id = 81;
> }
> --Joe
> On Sat, Feb 24, 2001 at 09:54:08PM -0500, Clayton Dukes wrote:
> >
> > How can I do something like the following shell script, in PHP? (I know
this won't work normally, but you get the idea).
> >
> > if [ $id <= 59 ]; then
> > $id=81
> >
> > TIA!
> > Clayton Dukes
> >
> --
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Joe Stump, PHP Hacker,
> "It's not enough to succeed. Everyone else must fail" -- Larry Ellison
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------

I've had PHP installed through the RedHat RPMS listed below.


Unfortunately, I discovered there's a bug in this version, so I need to 
remove the rpms and install PHP by compiling the source.  I've been playing 
with it for a few hours, but haven't had any luck, so I figured I'd ask 
here.  What's the easiest way to compile PHP and load it into Apache?

If I understand correctly, because of the rpm, PHP resides as the file

Apache loads PHP with the following command in httpd.conf
LoadModule php4_module        modules/

I'm not sure (can someone confirm please?), but I assume Apache is loading 
all of the modules as DSO.  Is the goal is to remove the rpms and create a 
new /usr/lib/apache/ file by compiling the PHP4 source code?

If so, how do I go about it?  The directions for PHP make it sound really 
easy.  I tried them tho and the php files just show up as plain text.  Here 
are the instructions I tried (that didn't work).


$ ./configure --with-mysql --with-apxs
$ make
$ make install

If you get an error telling you that the apxs script could not be found,
look for it on your system and if you find it, provide the full path to it
as: --with-apxs=/path/to/apxs

Next you must copy php.ini-dist to the appropriate place (normally
/usr/local/lib/php.ini) and edit it as necessary to set PHP options.

The only thing left to do is to edit your httpd.conf file and make sure the
PHP 4 mime type is there and uncommented.  You need a line that looks like

    AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Then restart your server (apachectl restart) and you should be able to
serve up PHP files now.  Make a test file called test.php and put some
PHP tags in it.  Like <?phpinfo()?>, for example.

ok last email from me for awhile :)

everyone on this list has been great and i've gotten some great tips and
advise! tks

i'm trying to compile in imap support --with-imap

freebsd 4.2

followed the directions on
and php compiled with no complaints. When i go to compile apache I get

/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `mm_expunged'
14 more
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to `mm_dlog'
**** Error code 1

Stop in /src/apache_1.3.14/src/helpers
========Error Output for sanity check ======
======== end of error report ======


what gives? any suggestions?


Who can give me a PHP-Script to
detect if JavaScript is enabled?

It should work with both, IE and NN!


Ihr WEBberater
Stuttgarter Str.3, D-73033 Göppingen
Tel. +49(0)7161-929594 - Fax. +49(0)7161-929598 ** mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Can php + what modules do this and 
has anybody succeeded to do something like the followingbefore?

I want to generate simple images on the fly, e.g. a 50px circle on a transparent 
background of 200x200 px using php.

I want to position the circle on the background using  x and y coodinates. Is this 
possible with what php and additional tools?

Thanks alot


>Subject: [PHP] generate e.g. circles on the fly with coordinates for

>Can php + what modules do this and
>has anybody succeeded to do something like the followingbefore?
>I want to generate simple images on the fly, e.g. a 50px circle on a
transparent background of 200x200 px using php.
>I want to position the circle on the background using  x and y coodinates.
Is this possible with what php and additional tools?

Sure can. Take a look at:

Hope this helps,


Who can give me a PHP-Script to
detect if JavaScript is enabled?

It should work with both, IE and NN!


Ihr WEBberater
Stuttgarter Str.3, D-73033 Göppingen
Tel. +49(0)7161-929594 - Fax. +49(0)7161-929598 ** mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

If I have magic quotes turned on for post/get/etc. in my php.ini, is 
there any way to temporarily turn it off for one page?  For example, 
I have a preview page inbetween my data entry page and the page that 
actually saves to db.  I don't want magic quotes turned on when going 
from the data entry to the preview page since all quotes keep getting 
backslashed.  Is there a way to do this?


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