Ken, I didn't believe you that IE was so stupidly implemented until I tried 
it myself.  You are right, IE 5 rememebers the password even though I hit 
CANCEL on the re-authenticate prompt.  And it remembers the password even 
when I close all browser windows.

If you decide to store authentication in the session, a good way to 
generate a 32 character "token" is md5(uniqid(rand())).  You store a copy 
of this token in your database (with some expiration time) and give a copy 
of it to the user (either in the session or in a plain old cookie).

For me to implement log-out is not so easy because I am using .htaccess.  I 
guess I'll just require the crypt() of the PW to be in a cookie.  Logout 
will just put garbage into the cookie.  Hopefully no one will discover that 
they can hijack someone elses login by just deleting the cookie.  :-(

John Henckel          alt. mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Zumbro Falls, Minnesota, USA   (507) 753-2216

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