Hello James,

Your vision is very similar to ours.

You should take the Krysalis platform (LGPL) and give it a try. It's a
mature solution (similar to cocoon) for XML/XSL publishing, and allows you
to define the way requests are served, define the way dynamic XML trees are
created and then define how to add the presentation layer to them.


Alexandru COSTIN
Chief Operating Officer
+4021 411 2610
"James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> There are distinct differences to parsing XML into your program and
> producing XML from your program.
> We use the following method's which are enabling us to create scalable
> systems with independent design from code.
> One of the clear reasons for using XML/XSLT is the seperation of data and
> design.  If you imagine that your ecommerce application is working very
> and doesnt need changing but you have a new client who wants the system in
> thier design.  Usually, there will come a point where you have to change
> hardcoded design elements within your ecommerce application - and if the
> design is radically different you will need to do conditional statements
> determine which design to use - a real pain.  More importantly your
> with your engine (code) when in fact all you really wanted to do was put
> some new alloys! :-)  It's boring, time consuming and often results in
> up code.
> If you take the XML and XSLT path you instantly change your method.  Your
> ecommerce application only EVER spews out XML.  That's it's purpose in
> life - it has it's business rules and it's resulting output and design is
> never a factor.  The XSLT style sheets are used to implement the XML into
> valid document usable by humans.  In essence you can now have a 1000
> independent designs which never require a single code change in your main
> commerce app.  Taking it further you can employ your xsl sheets to spew
> WML, CSV, XML etc etc.  Simply, your have reached a true data and design
> independence.
> Added to this you can offer third parties an industry standard form of
> exchange.  You can use multiple languages and know with confidence that
> of them have to understand each other.  We are using this method very
> shortly to create a win32 application using the XML feed from our commerce
> engine.  Eventually it will be used by our customer service team.
> >php are
> > insanely tedious to replicate in xsl :|
> >
> I totally disagree.  Take the following:
> for ($i=0;$i<=10;$i++){
>     echo "<tr><td>Hello</td></tr>";
> }
> Take the following in XSLT:
> <xsl:for-each select="node/to/match">
>     <tr><td><xsl:value-of select="." /></td></tr>
> </xsl:for-each>
> They may be about the same in number of lines but the php app must be
> modified to create a different table type.  It is true however that unless
> you need to something on a large scale these methods may be to much.
> James.
> "Daniel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > wot exactly does the xml parse do over sablot ? and what benfit do u get
> > xml'ing an entire site , where some processes which come easy to do in
> are
> > insanely tedious to replicate in xsl :|
> >
> > >===== Original Message From "James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> > >There is nothing to install.
> > >
> > >By default php usually comes with XML parser methods - however if you
> want
> > >to invest time in running XSLT/XPATH styles against XML you need to
> install
> > >server side software such as Sablotron or Saxon.  We run Sablotron and
> it's
> > >very good.  We've also invested in Stylus Studio which is a good
> > >development tool.
> > >
> > >I'm not really sure what you want to do so it's difficult to help you
> > >further.    If you give a small idea of what it is you want to achieve
> then
> > >it might be easier to help you on your way.
> > >
> > >Jim.
> > >
> > >
> > >"Dhaval Desai" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > >> Hello people,
> > >>
> > >> I want to start using Xml with php. How do I install xml on Apache
> > >Php?
> > >> I am running redhat 7.2,Apache 1.3.12 and php latest version.
> > >>
> > >> How do I install xml? I am totally new to Xml....and want to start
> > >> somewhere...
> > >>
> > >> -Dhaval
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
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> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >--
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> >
> >

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