This is a PHP group please post JS questions to a JS group unless u have PHP
code in inside requiring help !!!

IE considers it non-active when style.display = 'none'

you can not reference it via the 'javascipt' controls.
it must be made visible to work in IE... i think u should look at another
perhaps an array of the items stored in javascript with a simple <input
type=hidden> to store the active one.
i have ALOT of experience with the <div style> hidden areas.


"Enediel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> good day to all readers.
> It's specifically a javascript question.
> I've a form containing a hidden table, and inside of this last, controls
> that contain useful information invisible to the user, for example, hidden
> select tags that contains set of items, only subsets of it are visible to
> the user.
> <form name="form_HiddenSets">
> <table>
>  <tr style="display:none">
>    <td>
>          <select name="R_InstitutionsSet_Institutions">
>           ... option tags
>         </select>
>    </td>
>   </tr>
> </table>
> </form>
> if the row is invisible I receive this message
>   frm.R_InstitutionsSet_Institutions has no properties.
> changing <tr style="display:none"> to <tr> the program works correctly.
> Any suggestion?
> ?why this error, when no matter if the row is visible or not, the object
> R_InstitutionsSet_Institutions should be part of the form?
> I use only the most standard html specifications, using NetScape navigator
> to test my program; over IE, this solution works perfectly.
> Thanks in advance
> Enediel
> Linux user 300141
> Happy who can penetrate the secret causes of the things
> ĦUse Linux!

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